
Friday, March 20, 2015

Booty shake and what I'm reading this week

It's Friday all!  Let's get a booty shake for that.

I'll wait.

I've got no witty words to fill this space so let's just get to

Four Things Nobody Tells You About Successful Weight Loss  (This.  All day long)

Help! My Makeup Broke!  (Good to know one drop won't ruin good makeup)

This is What Happens When You Stop Exercising  (This does not surprise me at all)

Tesla software update makes driving out of range 'impossible'  (For the Mr)

You’re Eating Healthy, So Why Aren’t You Losing Weight?   (Good things to keep in mind)

Dark Chocolate Contains A Shocking Amount Of…  (Have my squares every night!)

DIY: Secrets of Successful Upcycling  (For those who like to make old things new)

Say Goodbye to the Internet Explorer Brand  (I know, I'm the last person on Earth that still uses it.  And no, I'm not elderly...just extremely allergic to change)

10 Beautifully Blossoming Spring Centerpieces  (So pretty!)

Can Animals Recognize Their Reflections In Mirrors?  (It sure is fun to watch them attempt to become self aware.)

Yes, Kevin Bacon Did an Ad About Eggs (and It’s Hilarious)  "Kevin Bacon doesn't like puns"

Teacher Has Best Response For Inappropriate Question  (From the Mr)

Watch Today's Kids React to the Iconic, Outdated Technology That Is the VCR   (Let me pop my Geritol)

This weekend we get to switch up our high cal day so the Mr can lunch with his brother who is leaving the state for warmer pastures.  I'll have to make some yummy stuff tomorrow in hopes I can make it feel less torturous to wait a whole day longer.

What are you fine people getting into this weekend?

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  1. Friday! Finally! Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. My coworkers think I'm weird since I recently acquired a VCR.
    My favorite movie as a kid is "My Neighbor Totoro" and it's a Japanese cartoon (anime). Fox released it in the US in 1989 on VHS. It was released in 2005 as a DVD but by Disney with different voice actors so I can't stand it. So now I can watch my favorite movie.

    This weekend, Time Warner is coming to fix my service since I set everything up right and they couldn't fix it over the phone. I also have a 5mi road race. And I'll be heading to my moms/grams house to stay overnight since I don't see my gram as much as she'd like (though more now that I live in Maine than when I lived in CT). I'll be going through my childhood stuff and tossing/donating since they're trying to do a clean out...

  3. The teacher video is great. I shared it with several teachers and many said they already saw it at a training!

    As part of my job I have to do filings with the federal government and I have to use Explorer to log onto those sites. I guess they have problems with change, too.

    On Sunday I have a 5-hour strategic planning session. We are dissolving the organization that is affiliated with a national group and starting a local organization that focuses more on what we need here. It will be good in the end but the process will be long and somewhat tedious.

  4. Love the Kevin Bacon commercial!

  5. I am free as a bird because I'm not on-call and was able to scoot out a little early from work. I plan on doing a lot of house chores because I've been seriously slacking on that. When I see clean flat surfaces, I'll feel like I accomplished something. I do have a meeting in the morning that I'm leading (good grief I just remembered that!) so I'll be up early and out the door. The pooches got baths/grooming this week so they are excited to go to the park to strut their stuff. =o) Have a super duper weekend!

  6. Your comment about internet explorer made me laugh. I still use my email address and my friends give me all kinds of crap about it. I'm not too hip on change either!! Have a good weekend :).


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