Friday, December 5, 2014

Dialin' it back and what I'm reading this week

Finally Friday y'all!

I am under orders from the chiro to dial back the exercise intensity for a few days.  I made the stupid mistake of piling on a bunch of high impact stuff when I felt better and woke in pain and unable to walk in the middle of the night.  Oy, the road to recovery is always so fun.  Not.

But enough of that crap, let's get to...

11 Restaurant Scams That Sabotage Weight Loss  (Those sneaky bastards)

Sleepy Hollow LOL Video: Silly Clips Imagine Headless at Home  (I almost wee'd at the dinner music video.  But go to Neil's channel and watch the Oz video as well as some of his songs.  Totally talented)

25 festive life hacks for a stress-free holiday  (Some are good, others like #2...please don't ever do.  Ever)

48 Healthier Holiday Cookie Recipes  (Yummy!)

The Dirty Spots that Can Damage Your Home (and How to Clean Them)  (Yeah, I totally need to do the A/C and dryer vent)

27 Things You Might Not Know About 'Christmas Vacation'  (For fans of the holiday Griswolds)

25 Life Lessons Written by a 99-Year-Old Man  (Spread the wisdom, yo)

The Massive Fitness Trend That's Not Actually Healthy at All  (Mama can't handle the hard stuff any more.  Sigh)

What to Buy (and Avoid Buying) in December  (Duly noted!)

Unplugged Weddings Are The Latest Craze  (As they should be.  Nothing worse as a bride and groom to look out to your loved ones during the ceremony and see nothing but phones and tablets staring back at you.  Some of the stories in this article are disturbing)

Lost Claus?  (Let's not let the Christmas card tradition die)

This Homeless Poodle Just Realized She’s Being Rescued  (Get out the tissues if you have a beating heart in your chest)

We're going to a holiday jazz concert tonight.  Tomorrow is a Christmas event and then Sunday is lunch with the in-laws.  Then Monday we'll collapse!

What's on the agenda for your weekend?  Do you send out Christmas cards?

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  1. I am completely fine with dialing it back. I feel like I am overdue for some active rest days. My legs have been sore all week and I just started to feel better in my upper body yesterday and then yesterdays Proper rest is important and I think we could both benefit from that for a bit.

    1. Yeah me too. Matter of fact, a good stretching session may be on tap today.

  2. Oh my....I'm crying like a baby Anele over that precious puppy! Thank you for finding all these wonderful articles that not only inform us, they inspire us to donate and help - and they entertain us to no end!
    Happy weekend!

    1. So did I! The Mr came upstairs and caught me ugly crying over it and had to watch it too.

      You're very welcome! Happy weekend to you as well!

  3. I love the home-made snow globe. I'm going to be saving jars and guess what everyone is getting from the boy this year. That's my kind of craft - glue and glitter. Awesome.

    I've been sick all week so my work has piled up and the house is a wreck so I'll be spending the weekend trying to get caught up. Hubby and the boy have been sick too, but they're both getting better now so I hope I will be too.

    1. Aren't those cute! So glad you got some ideas from that!

      Hope the whole fam feels better soon! Rest up, buttercup!

  4. Enjoy a very fun weekend! I had a meeting this morning, then a TB test for the new job, then picked up my glasses before coming home to some chores. Put the Christmas sheets on the bed so now we have trees and Santa and his sleigh welcoming us into the room. =o) The hubs put up the small three and decorated the bay window in lights galore yesterday while I was on the phone with mom's friend. It felt wonderful to walk into the living room and he had all the other lights off and I just sat on the couch with a peaceful smile on my face just getting lost in those lights. I have plenty of laundry and cleaning to do, but on Saturdays I tend to be pooped from six straight days of being up at 4am, so I'm toast right now. Tomorrow I'll have more oomph to be out and about.

    As for Christmas cards, I do send them out every year. I have them here, but haven't finished with them yet. A few of them will go out a little later than usual because I'll be sending something along with them so need to coordinate that. But I have the Rudolph stamps ready to go!! =o)

    1. Christmas sheets, how fun!! Aww, I'm so glad you got to sit and enjoy the Christmas splendor and get a few moments of peace.

      Hurray for Christmas cards and Rudolph stamps!


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