Friday, December 19, 2014

Crunch time and what I'm reading this week

People!  Can you believe it is the Friday before Christmas!?  This is what I've been talking blink and suddenly you're in crunch time and the time will suck into some kind of wormhole and throw you out on December 26th wondering what the hell happened to this last week.

Today I am baking, baking and maybe a little baking.  Not just the stuff for friends but the stuff for us too.  We have a holiday concert tonight and I must note for future Christmases that going to a Christmas concert the Friday before Christmas is not the best way to take stress off of myself.  I also learned that Jif is weak peanut butter to use for buckeyes and will be reverting back to store brand which tastes infinitely more like peanuts.  Pffft.

But enough of my Christmas crank, let's get to...

Are You Enlightened or a Control Freak? What Your Airplane Seat Choice Says About You  (I'm a first class window person...yep, this nails me.  Except for the pretentious part because I hate nothing more than that awkward point where people are passing you and giving you stink eye.  I'm not traveling to Hawaii in coach, my legs couldn't take it with my muscle issues)

 Forget Calories—Count These Instead to Lose Weight Fast  (Good reminders!)

Former Pop Singer Spills 10 Juicy Secrets About Being in a Failed '90s Boy Band  (I was never a boy band person (unless you count Duran Duran but they were a MAN band) but some interesting stuff in this one)

Five Amazing Things Foil Can Do  (Cool pizza hack!)

21 Photos The Elf On The Shelf Doesn’t Want You To See  (Pretty hilarious and I would probably so traumatize our child with these.)

7 Big Benefits Of Exercising Outside This Winter  ("Make sure you bundle up if you go's a little nippy")

13 Greeting Cards That Mean Well, But Are Just Making It Worse  (#1 made me cry laugh)

Paralyzed Dog Who Learns To Walk Reminds Us Why Everyone Deserves A Second Chance  (Aww, sweet nugget)

10-Year-Old Fan Makes Justin Timberlake Cry During Concert  (I love JT)

16 Cookies That Can Be Thrown Together At the Very Last Minute  (For the procrastinators)

Charlie Sheen to Reprise His Iconic Ferris Bueller's Day Off Role on The Goldbergs   (This should be a hoot.  I said hoot)

The Drinking Mistake That's Costing You Pounds  (Oops, better go grab my bottle!)

How Fat Leaves the Body  (Inhale....EXHALE!)

How Much Your Pregnancy Will Really Cost You  (For the pregger readers)

How to Keep the Magic of Santa Alive For Kids  (Love this)

My Family Love Story by Seth Rogen  (I'm kind of in love with him after his amazing advocacy in this area)

Everything Macaulay Culkin Eats In The 'Home Alone' Movies, Ranked  (Pretty much agree)

Sharon Stone Opens Up About Her Brain Aneurysm  (Whether you're a fan or not, some good insight in this article and most of it is not about her health issues)

7 Simple Ways To Welcome Holiday Guests  (Yay!  I do them all!)

The Truth About Santa (Always a good one to drag out this time of year for those with questioning kids, consider giving this near perfect explanation)

Puppy gets relaxing bath...cutest thing ever

This is the only video you need to watch today  (Did I mention I love JT?)

I know this was a long list but I will likely not be doing links next Friday because I will not have time to brush my own hair much less read anything this week.  So soak it in or read half the list then save the other half for next Friday.

Tonight we have the concert, tomorrow I'm delivering the cookies and eating cookies and Sunday is Christmas with one branch of the family tree and I have a billion things to bake/make for it too.  I'll have Monday to breathe and then the 23rd-26th I'll be in a trance and the 27th I'll be in bed all day long.

What are your plans this weekend?  Any holiday gatherings?  Baking marathons?

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  1. I loved that random article about the failed boy band. Fascinating! Have a great holiday week!

    1. The Mr and I thought it was really interesting too. Kind of sad to see what goes on behind the scenes but not surprised either.

      Same to you!

  2. Ok, the greeting cards just made my day. "Adios" made me giggle like a crazy person and I know I will think of it randomly in the next few days and laugh some more. I knew that dang elf on the shelf couldn't be trusted....creepy little weirdo.

    Enjoy the concert and your weekend! Hopefully it won't go by too fast but lately it seems like the best days do. Have fun!!

    1. They cracked me up too! He is indeed a creepy little weirdo and I know he probably would've given me nightmares if I had to contend with it as a child! LOL

      You're very right, they sure do! I'm in between batches of cookies, a workout and then delivering the goodies before the concert!

  3. My plans are up in the air because my uncle just went to the hospital with a bloody nose that wouldn't stop, so not sure if they are keeping him overnight or not (mom's going to call me tonight). We are supposed to go to his ALF to celebrate Christmas, but we might have to reschedule for New Year's. I do have a dentist appt (rats -- can't reschedule that!) and Sunday I'm taking a friend out for breakfast for her birthday. The past two days have been rough emotionally, so trying to recover a bit. =o)

    1. I hope your uncle's okay! Try to enjoy the weekend and take a break from the emotional stuff if you can. You need those quiet moments when you can snag 'em! Love ya, girl!


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