
Friday, October 17, 2014

What I'm Reading This Week : Spooky Edition

The witching season is upon us and you only have a few short weekends before the goblins show up begging for the good candy.   Thankfully we don't get trick or treaters so we don't have to worry about buying any candy to be tempted by.  We do get a few of our favorite seasonal treats to have on hand during the season but stopped being tricked by getting a whole bag and pretending it was "for the kids" we never got.  Not that I wouldn't mind getting some, I used to love decorating for Halloween but the lack of visitors and space for Halloween specific storage takes it out of play.

I used to be a fan of haunted houses back in the day but can't handle them anymore.  The whole separating you from your party or mazes are not my idea of fun especially since I've been abandoned in mazes several time.  I don't find it funny so that did it for me.  Plus I have nightmares now from scary movies much less living in one for 20-30 minutes.  Yes, I'm old.  I had my time with Halloween haunts and I've moved on.  

*Solitary tear runs down the Mr's cheek*  

I still occasionally read about them and can't help but wax nostalgic over the good ol' days when haunted houses were campy vs. gorefests.  I still like 80's horror movies with the mid 90's horror movies thrown in before the 'torture' genre took over this time of year. (Though I must admit, I can't get into Friday the 13th movies any more.  Any time we watch them we're always like "ugh, how did we think this was good back in the day?")  I would like to go to Sleepy Hollow sometime and do the night tour of the cemetery.  I think just the atmosphere along with the history of the area would be enough to creep me out for a long time.  

Enough of my babbling, let's get to...

Real Haunted Houses database  (Look up real haunted houses, haunted attractions and haunted hotels for a last minute otherworldly jolt)

Halloween store predicts top costumes of 2014  (For those who want a peek at what might be showing up at your door this year)

40 of the most breathtaking abandoned places   (Some would make me crap in the daylight, others make me sad for the history that is lost and others are gorgeous!)

13 Halloween Movies that Will Scare You Senseless  (Break out the popcorn and cover your eyes!)

Halloween Movies for Wimps  (Okay so it doesn't ALL have to be spooky!  I would have to add Halloweentown 1 & 2 to the list)

Scary Halloween Font  (In case you're throwing an impromptu Halloween gathering and need a good font for invites, banners, etc)

Elva Zona Heaster: The Ghost Who Helped Solve Her Own Murder  (Holy poo!)

Cupcake Recipes to Gross People Out for Halloween (Some interesting looking sweet treats for the ghouls!)

Ghost Stories from American Folklore  (Some stories to send chills down the spines of those gathered 'round a proper Fall campfire!)

Knott's Scary Farms  (Mama doesn't do these anymore when they went from being campy to gross out/forcing mazes on you.  But if you've done it, let me know how you liked it!)

Backstage Monster Transformation at Knott's Scary Farm  (It's a bit lengthy but if you're curious about how much goes behind pulling off a professional haunted house, it's a good read!)

10 Ghost Stories that are totally freaking real  (Yike!)

ABC Family's 13 Nights of Halloween schedule  (The family that scares together, stays together!)

Are you a slasher movie expert?  (Apparently I have "above average" knowledge but I'll be honest, half of them were guesses)

Haunted house attractions...yay or hell no?  Scary movies...yes or no thanks?

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  1. No scary movies/haunted houses for me. I'm a big baby. I refuse to PAY to be terrified. SMH and yes that is totally the difference between 80s movies/Halloween and today. It's all about torture and gore now. I mean you know Freddie isn't really gonna come for you in your sleep but some psycho torturing people in his basement?? That's a little 10 o'clock news these days! I don't need the imagery.

  2. Like you, I used to LOVE scary movies, books, haunted houses, all of it. I have no desire to take part in any of that anymore. I think i figured out the reason. I've lost all my grandparents, my own parents, in-laws, and now hubs is sick. I've got more to fear in real life than I can handle, so don't need extra artificial stuff to scare me.

  3. Definitely not into haunted houses. I was in one when I was about 5 years old and my mother still cracks up to this day telling the story because I was so scared I was literally running in place and couldn't move forward. My parents could see me in the window and my sister finally grabbed me and we ran. Apparently I jumped a fence up into my father's arms and because he was laughing at me I slugged him in the face (that's probably why my mom laughs so hard - lol). So no, not a fan. I can't do scary movies either, although the hubs is trying to get me to watch The Conjuring (sp?).


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