
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Molding, eats and mental tape

It's almost Friday!  We should just rename Thursday to Almost Friday.  All in favor say "aye."  

Yesterday was a good day for some progress on the home project front.  I got my molding for our pass thru to the kitchen painted, distressed and waxed.   So it just needs to have some D rings attached to the back to be hung.  But first I need to take down the current bamboo blind over it, fill the holes and try to get it to not look horrid.  I'm really dreading that part because I don't want there to be some wonky patch job that I can't smooth out.  Fingers crossed!

Yesterday was full of yummy eats.  I forgot to get a pic of breakfast but it was basically like below:

I had the crustless quiche, low sodium cottage cheese, a small nana with 1 tbsp of peanut butter, green tea and a clementine.

Lunch was...

Tuna fish lettuce wraps, cantaloupe with grapes, veggies with 1 tbsp dip and an apple with 2 tbsp PB2 for dippin'.  I wish tuna wraps held me longer.  I was ready to eat my hand by workout time.

We did Fitness Blender's Day 2 of some challenge they're doing this week.  I was kind of irritated I burned less than my required 400 calories but I was sticking with my 10 lb cap with the free weights to see how much my lame arm could take.  So far, so good.  I may actually be able to try 10's and 15's tomorrow.  But I'll take 375 calories if I have to in order to keep my injury on track to healing.

*kicks pebble*

Dinner was orange roughy over homemade coconut milk lime brown rice and a side of Brussels.

I haven't been sleeping well lately.  The other night, I finally got to sleep about 2:15am and at 4am it sounded like Mother Nature was bombing the place.  I hate Earth shattering, wall shaking, knick knacks about to fall off shelves kind of stuff.  I need to stop watching TV in bed.  I tape the Tonight Show so there's no reason for me to watch it in bed.  Then I turn off the TV and listen to the tape in my head

"You really need to go to sleep.  *insert list of 50 things that are random, stupid and keeping me awake* You need to learn to relax.  Look at the Mr, he's been asleep since 4.25 seconds of rolling over.  Rat bastard.  Maybe I can warm my toes on the back of his knees and bring up my body temp to get in sleep mode.  Oh, did I wake you?  Good.  I mean...oops.  Let me flip on my other side.  My arm is going numb laying that way.  Why did we buy this mattress?  I'm not much more comfortable than I was before. *Find myself almost drifting to sleep when I hear a loud shift*  Why does the house settle like that?  Is the house going to get swallowed by a sinkhole?  I wonder what I would land on if I fell through to the kitchen?  I would scrape my hip on a French door fridge all the way down.  That would hurt.  Is that a 8" spider lowering on to my face!??!  *swat-swat-swat*  Nope, just my lucid state of mind that let's my vision play tricks on me.  Thanks a lot whatever ancestor passed that down.  My leg itches.  *scratch-scratch*  Oh damn, I'm like a Sasquatch.  When was the last time I shaved my legs?  If you can't remember, it's probably been too long.  The Mr will mistake me for a man if he feels this.  I'll have to sharpen the blades on the John Deere.  What's that noise?  Ice maker?  Hot water heater?  Chupacabra?  I wonder if...."  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Do you have a problem getting to sleep?  If so, do you play your own tape in your head that keeps you awake?

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  1. I am interested in seeing if this adjustment in diet towards more protein will make a difference right away or not. I know I need to give it some time of course but it would be interesting if something happened on the scale this week seeing as how the month has been stagnant.

    Sleep is a big part of it too and I think we both need to get to bed sooner and have some good quality sleep as much as possible. Not sure how to help with that mental tape though. I did kind of have a hard time getting to sleep last night but admittedly it was probably only a 20 minute ordeal. However I have had sleepless nights and I know exactly what you mean about that mental tape... gotta find the stop button!

    1. Yeah, I'll be interested to see as well especially since the scale has been an a-hole to me this month for NO good reason. I feel like it's doing nothing for me except, oddly enough, making me hungrier. But I know you go through an adjustment period so, we'll see.

      After listening to Deepak (and my stomach gurling) for 15 minutes, I felt like I got to sleep faster but the second your alarm went off...BOOM...tape played on full blast despite being insanely exhausted. Sigh. But yay to me for turning off Fallon before we got too sucked in.

  2. haa! Hilarious stream of consciousness. The blessing is that it doesn't seem like there are any real problems keeping you awake like stress, your job, kids, traffic snarls, political strife at home and abroad. <<paraphrased Simpsons quote. LOL Just one of those things I guess. Plus, your discomfort is our entertainment, soooo. :-) I do like that Yogi Bedtime Tea. I only drink it when I think I might really need it 'cuz of its extreme knock ur azz out qualities.

    1. As long as my discomfort is your entertainment, I shall suffer for my "art!" I think I just got a free sample of that tea! I'll have to give it a go.

  3. Some nights I'm out immediately, I like those nights. Other nights I've got my own mental tape playing that just won't quit. I don't have any advice because I haven't found anything that really helps, but know that you're not alone.

    1. I like those nights too. They seems so few and far between these days! I'd say glad to know I'm not alone but yeah, you know. ;)

  4. I am laughing so hard--sounds just like me only with a little variety in the sounds/thoughts! Hate it! David also drops off as soon as his head hits the pillow. Ugh!

    1. What is it with our men that they can drop off to snoozeland so quickly!?

  5. I second the motion to change Thursday to "Almost Friday"!

    Here's a tip I use with my tuna salad to make it more filling: I throw a tablespoon (give or take) of ground flax seed into the tuna. It makes it more filling and boosts the amount of protein in my meal. The texture is a bit different than normal, but it is filling enough that it carries me to my next mealtime.

    1. I think I might've done that before with chia but forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder!

  6. It's been awhile since I stopped by your blog but reading this post reminds me why I loved it in the first place. I love the way you think/write, you're too funny! Even when you're venting about something you manage to make it amusing instead of coming across negative.

    I hear ya on the night time mental tape issue. When mine starts up it tends to go more towards negative thoughts. Stressing over all sorts of petty things that seem like a big deal at the time but then when I wake up the next morning I realize how stupid it all actually was! If I find a fix I'll let you know.

    1. Aww, thanks so much! Welcome back!

      Yes, pass along the fix if you find it! :-)

  7. I am a chronic bad sleeper and have been for years. I used to work third shift and my body took years to recover from that to change my circadian rhythm. For a while I was good, but for the past five years it's gotten worse. I average between 3-4 of sleep a night. I do have a c-pap machine that helps me get about 5 hours of sleep, but my hose got a leak and I just haven't put the replacement part on. I am convinced my mind does not have an off switch. And, like you, the hamster wheel of thoughts gets more bizarre as the night goes on because the fatigue gets more intense, but the REM is nothing more than al alternative band at that point.

    1. Mad respect for third shift. I don't know how you did that! Get that hose replaced, girl! You need your zzz's! How I would love to throw the hamster wheel across the room.

  8. Yum! All three of these meals look amazing! My husband and I just started back on our Paleo diet (ahem...I mean lifestyle) and I'd love to try some of these! Can we just come to your house for dinner? :) Haha


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