
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Shoulder update and collectibles

My shoulder has stopped being a 24/7 pain in my ass and gone to barking after workouts which is fine with me.  I will ice it after workouts but I'm back to doing whatever it takes to get some lard sizzlin' under my skin.  (How's that for a visual?)  I've got that Amy Dixon workout scheduled for Thursday and I will use 5 or 8 pounders depending on what my shoulder dictates.  I'll likely stick with 5 this week just to make sure that I don't almost heal up only to screw the shoulder up again.  That's what got me into trouble with it to begin with.

Other than that just continuing on with our tackling of the house.  We took 3 boxes up to Goodwill last night before our workout.  I think that guy hates us.  We go the last 30 minutes before closing and I'm beginning to think he's making voodoo dolls of us.  I went through a few things in my closet and while 2 bins were pretty much not able to be thinned, I was able to thin out one bin and my box.  My box is one I swore I'd never sell.  I started collecting Wizard of Oz ornaments in 1994 and stopped in 2010 when it was made clear they were really in it for the money and starting to recycle scenes.  So 33 ornaments later I had them in a box and they never saw the light of day.  At one point when we first got married, I did have a Wizard of Oz room and it was really cute but after about 4 years I got tired of it and wanted something more adult.  So into boxes they went as I got one or two for gifts every year.  When I came across the box it just reminded me that while I had good intentions and enjoyed them at the time, they weren't going to be something we would retire off of since they're mass produced.  It's kind of sad to let them go, if they sell, but I really want someone else to enjoy them and show them off.  So I've got them in the closet and will wait until we have a sell pile of things together before listing them in about 2 weeks or so.  I have a pic of them and I thought whatever great table I get to put in the studio with the money, I'm going to print out a picture of them and tape it to the bottom to remind me how I got such an awesome piece.  I know, I'm a sentimental dork but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Do you collect anything?

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  1. I am not a collector, but my husband is a ridiculous sports card collector. He has TONS and TONS of sports cards and memorabilia and figurines. I am currently in the process of turning our dining room into a home office for him to store these things.
    I don't really mind it, and we've actually turned it into a business of sorts by buying and selling items. I also have a blog and message board about collecting that I run so I can feel involved.

  2. Mostly I just collect crap. Like on every flat surface. *insert eye roll*

  3. I collect way too much stuff and I'm quickly running out of room in my house! I've got Precious Moment figurines, Willow Tree figurines, Terry Redlin paintings, and of course that Christmas stuff I was commiserating with you about the other day: Snowmen, Angels, Dough Art ornaments, Santas! Good Grief! My kids are going to have a lot of stuff to go through someday! But isn't that why I had them?

  4. You know...I don't collect anything really. Oh wait - I collect keychains from different locations. It started out a fun way for me and my girlfriends to get a little souvenir when we would travel without blowing the bank. So everywhere we would go we would pick up random keychains that have the state/city on them. I keep them tacked to a bulletin board in my home office. I'm no longer close with the gals I started the tradition with, and I haven't traveled much lately, so the collecting has come to a standstill, but I will probably always keep them since they aren't worth anything to anybody but me. :-)

  5. At various times throughout my life, I've collected different things. Ceramic dogs as a child, teapots when my mother-in-law insisted I collect something so she would know what to gift me with. Trouble is, collections eventually take over and drive you out of the house. DH collects vinyl record albums, over 5000 last time we counted. Just before New Years, he sold about 450 of them, and was so traumatized I don't know if he'll follow through on getting rid of them. Collecting is mini-hoarding, and it's a slippery slope! Just say no! (Like I should have, to my MIL, before I had 50 teapots that I had to give away for lack of room.)

  6. I seem to collect cookbooks lately. I really need to cull. Hope you have a great Wed.

  7. Oh oh oh! "some lard sizzlin' under my skin!" I LOVE THAT. I can totally see it in my mind - and I will visualize it when I work out. Gah, I feel like a light bulb went on! Thank you!

  8. Glad to hear the shoulder is overall getting better. As for collections, for me it's mostly cookbooks--my mother collected them even more than me, so when she passed away, hers came to me. There are too many, of course, so I need to pare them down to a more reasonable number. Oh, and we have a small collection of ceramic and wooden cows that were given to us when we moved from So. California to Washington state by friends. We smile every time we see them, so they aren't going anywhere.

  9. I have always collected something. As a kid it was charms ( I still have a lot of them though they never made it on a bracelet) and then I collected alcohol bottles in my teens (lame)'s always something. At the moment I'm into antique medicine bottles...Boy do I need to de-clutter! :(

  10. All we collect are people. Presently in our three bedroom, one bath house we have seven of us (that's two extra couples, one of which, my stepdaughter and her fiance), will be adding a baby in mid-February. In about a year, we'll be adding my mother in law, whose Alzheimer's is nosediving so fast that she won't be able to live in assisted living anymore. That means someone's gotta move out before then. lol Never collected anything else, though.

  11. I collected Longaberger for years and slowly began selling them off a couple of years ago. I still have a ridiculous amount of baskets and pottery, but just didn't get to selling this past holiday season. I also like Irish/shamrock collectibles, although those tend to be gifts rather than my buying them. This is the year I go for "smooth surfaces" with as little collectibles as possible. I find that I'm calmer and more focused when I have less clutter around so my goal is to fill up one box a week and either donate or throw out. By the end of the year I'll have gotten rid of 52 boxes!

  12. My father was a huge collector so he was mortified when he asked me what I was going to collect and I said "nothing"! :-) (Wow, am I way behind in reading your blog--I'd better get on it!)


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