
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

If you fail to plan...

Can I tell you how grateful I am for online menus?  I make sure we eat well 6 days a week with one high cal day with no real restrictions to keep us sane.  Sometimes occasions come up on where you have to go out on a non-high cal day and thankfully many restaurants have menus so you can plan healthier meals when you go out.  I'm always amazed when I look at the calories of the perceived "healthy" salads out there that are well over 1000 calories.  I don't eat salad as a main dish, well, ever so those calories don't convince me to start doing it now.

We're going to a seafood restaurant tomorrow night and I found out I basically have about 3 options if I don't want my sodium to bloat me like a Macy's balloon.  Plank salmon, steamed veggies, side salad with french on the side (I might use 1/4 of that using the dip the fork in the dressing cup method.  Thanks 1980's Weight Watchers tip from my Grandma as a kid!)  and if I want one, a roll and water to drink.  I know the calories aren't exact but I'll ask for no butter in the prep and hope they listen.  But I can at least enjoy the company, which is the point, and the food thanks to planning from the online menu and then the rest of my day on my food tracker, will allow me to stay within all of my number goals for calories, sodium, etc.  To the restaurants who don't do online menus, I rarely frequent you because I think if you're not putting it out there, you've probably got something pretty heinous to hide!

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