Friday, October 13, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #41

Happy Friday and a very happy birthday week to the Mr!!  While it just passed, we'll be celebrating this weekend and for the first time I'll be baking the cake since the grocery store cakes we both love and grew up on have swirled the pooper the past few years.  It's probably going to be a crap show so wish me luck!   Hon - I truly would not have survived the past two months without you.  I know this birthday will have a sadness to it and that's something we both will feel but she's wishing you a happy birthday to her "smart son." 🥳

Now let's celebrate:

14 Awesome Health Benefits of Strength Training  (I'm down but could someone give my body the memo to stop freaking out and giving me crazy inflammation after each session?!)

12 Foods High in Collagen, According to a Dietitian  (A couple of surprises in there!)

4 Myths About Protein That Could Prevent You From Losing Weight  (Well bust my buttons, why didn't you say so!)

6 Easy Methods to Turn to When You’re Feeling Emotionally Overwhelmed  ("Do you break down at a doctor's appointment?  Does the cashier at Trader Joe's put up the closed sign when you step in line?  Read on you sorry sap!"  Just kidding.  Actually I highly recommend journaling.)

8 Shared Traits of Daughters Abandoned by Their Fathers (Every one of them except #3 though I've seen it with others.  If anyone wants to know why I chose not to have kids, see #8 and for the record, we don't regret it.  Having kids doesn't mean they'll be there for you when you're old or at the end- I've seen that too with perfectly lovely people.)

Experts unveil the final sense we lose before passing away  (Nothing you can't probably guess but it drives home how important it is to 1) keep anything negative OUT OF THE ROOM which I made sure I did with Mom and it only took one snap from me to drive that home and 2) I am so glad the Mr and I sang to/with her even though we weren't sure if she could hear us.  I flooded her with memories from childhood/teen years and love and I'd like to think part of that is why she had a smile on her face when she passed when she hadn't been able to do so for two days.)

13 Hidden Fire Hazards in Your Home Right Now, According to Firefighters  (The door info is pretty frightening and will make you change your ways if you don't already do it!)

50 States, 50 Firsts: Alabama to Missouri  (Go Hawaii!!  I guess I never realized it before but it sure as heck allows you to enjoy the state more!)

Friday The 13th Controversy: Did They Kill A Real Snake?  (For those who go back to the classics this time of year)

Miss a post here this week?  Catch up below:

As I mentioned, we're celebrating the Mr's birthday tomorrow so cake and presents will be had.  Not sure if he has anything planned or not but we'll see where the weekend takes us!

Where's your weekend taking you?  A pumpkin patch?  Apple orchard?  Local craft show?  To the washer and dryer?

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  1. Looking forward to wherever the weekend takes us but especially the cake and presents. Everyone have a great weekend!

  2. Happy Birthday Mr!!!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy that special cake from the Mrs as well as opening those presents!!
    Great articles. I've been guilty of too much protein, so that was a good read for me. Hopefully the weather will be great for you guys and you can get out and about to see a bit of fall colors.
    For the weekend, the hubs has a test today, then we have some house stuff to do. Laundry is done, but must was doggie blankets and they are highly scented. lol Rain here all weekend, but in the 50s so I don't mind. I work tomorrow but am hoping to get to watch a little of the ND game tomorrow night in between keyboard clicks.
    I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy celebrating your Mr!! xoxoxo

    1. You said 'highly scented!' Hope you enjoy the ND game and get that work done sooner than later!

  3. oh the lack of sleep has doomed me, I haven't had a good night's sleep since i was a kid! I have 5 kids, started young, but you are so right about some kids not being there to take care of you when you are elderly! I'm not old (51) but all the kids have their own lives and are scattered across the country and even another country, so we're trying to plan on not needing their help, if that's possible. We don't want to be a burden. I love my kids but, I've told my husband before that if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have had kids, the stress alone is enough and it never ends, know matter how old they are. I hope you and The Mr. have a wonderful birthday weekend and find something fun to do!!!

    1. No exaggeration...70% of people we know (even strangers) look both ways and say "I love my kids buuuuuuut... You guys made the right choice." My hats off to all of the parents out there!


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