Monday, October 2, 2023

Life Bombs Weekend Recap

Happy Monday...said no one ever.

(Oh we say it but no one means it unless they're retired!)

Do you know how many times I've rewritten this post trying to not sound like a Darcy Downer?  So I will just say the weekend sucked for the most part.  Bad news bombs from all sides and they're all nothing I can control or do anything about which is pretty friggin' hard for a control freak.  This also marks two full months without her and it's hitting just as hard as day one especially when you still have stuff to deal with.   The crap show we dealt with at Social Security?  Well, apparently between me, the Mr and the dude at SSA we missed one box where a number should've gone and now I have to restart the process all over.  Sigh. 

Friday night we decided to get moving on some slasher flicks.

Since then we've managed to also get in the first three Friday the 13th's and might I say as I type listening to the woman scream in the third one that I'm currently rooting for Jason.

Saturday was hard before even going down for the day because I decided it was time I finally wear the outfit I wore the last time I saw Mom alive and the first time I saw her gone.  It was a favorite before then and it was her favorite color so I didn't want to avoid wearing it forever.  It was still hard though.  Then when I finally made it downstairs, the Mr wasn't in a great mood due to some work crap we're going to have to deal with toward the end of January.  Let's just say it's a good thing there were no sharp objects around us.  We were not a good pair.  We ran out and grabbed some lunch and were parked under one of the few trees that had actually changed color here.

Afterward I told him drive wherever and he chose a body of water.   That always does it for him.

Nothing Bundt reeled us in with their 2 week limited time flavor of Churro stuffed dulce de leche or some bull crap.  I'll let you decide if they delivered or not.

Source for the left pic

Don't get me wrong, it was still good but definitely NOT full of oozy caramel that they made us pay an extra $1.50 for for each cake.  I'm seriously THISCLOSE to demanding a $3 refund for false advertising.  

Sunday we got in a 10 minute Grow with Jo workout before doing Leslie Sansone's Firm 30 and holy shit balls were we both a quivering heap of Jello!  Thankfully that morning I had thrown in some turkey chili so it was basically ready by the time we ate our first bites of food come 2:30pm!  

After that, I got on a Zoom call with a dear friend who had to bear with me as I got my old lady on as I don't do many of those.  I was truly a grandma at a nursing home but thankfully I have my own personal tech support here who helped me get it set up.  We chatted for about an hour and she has no idea what that meant to me.  I only hope she doesn't regret it!  😂

We settled in for the night as the day seemed to swirl out of nowhere.

How was your weekend?  Anything fun, productive or in between to report?

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  1. Not our best weekend at times but we still made it fun in parts so that counts.

    1. No it wasn't but there were some good stuff too like talking with two friends yesterday. Too bad that strength workout is rearing hard this morning. I see arnica in my future.

  2. I stopped watching Jason when he took Manhatten. Honestly I never made it into the city because when the girl was hiding on the boat, loud hee hee breathing, I was done. She deserved to die being that loud. I was done after that. Here's to hoping your week goes better.

    1. I was thinking as I was watching it that I don't even remember seeing any of those in the theater after until the much hyped but massively disappointing Freddie vs Jason. Yep, when they give away their location with hard breathing or screaming, you dug your own grave sistah!

  3. Totally agree with the rough weekend. Life turns on a dime and it hurts so much. I'm so sorry for your pain this weekend. Putting that outfit on had to be so very hard with memories coming at you left and right. I am so glad that you got to talk to some friends and that lifted you up and you got great comfort from them!! That is a wonderful feeling and I'm so thankful your weekend could end on that note. xoxoxo

    1. Yes it does. It really sucks to know literally any second your life can blow up in your face in big and small ways. It was but I know she wouldn't want those memories clouding the memories of when I bought it on our Yellowstone trip. Talking with them was a nice way to end an otherwise poopie weekend.

  4. Oh that Bundt picture was definitely false advertising! I did manage to make that apple crisp I was talking about! It's the great pumpkin was also happily watched. I hope you have smoother sailing dealing with all of the paperwork, it will be 3 years next month for me, but if i remember correctly, it took about 5 to 6 months for everything to be completed, phone calls and paperwork. I've been working out to Mr and Mrs Muscle on youtube, I have a lot of Leslie Sansone's dvd's. I hope you both have a good week. ooooo

    1. Oh yeah. I saw an ad for it on IG and plenty of people commented "it doesn't look like that!" LOL I'm so glad you got your weekend shenanigans in! I'll have to check out that YouTube channel when our strength options run dry!


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