Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Hump Day Poll: This is Bananas


Banana "threads".  

Eat 'em?  
Dump 'em?  
YARF, don't even remind me they exist!!

OMG, I'm going to barf just talking about them.  I have no idea what my repulsion is to them but if one doesn't come off while peeling it, it might as well be a worm on it that I'm taking off and flinging into the bin.

How about you?  I'll assume I'm the only weirdo.

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  1. I dump them. They don't repulse me but I don't like to eat them if I can help it.

  2. They don't bother me. I just peel them off as needed. I find that when they aren't quite ripe there are more strings than on the really ripe ones.


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