Friday, August 5, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #31

Top o the Friday to ya!  (No idea why I lapsed into Irish in August but there it is.) I am looking forward to giving my muscles a bit of a break.  After watching a video from Chalene Johnson about strength training, we upped our weight this week and felt it for sure.  We can't go gonzo on it and become bodybuilders or anything but our routine never did much more than maintain.  Now we blink and find ourselves at the ages where the slow decline of muscle loss will start if we aren't serious.  How the hell did that happen??  We watched an episode of Six Feet Under the other day where Claire corrected Billy telling him she was 18.  He replied "what you don't know is you'll be 18 forever." So true but I think 28 is more accurate.  No one can warn you what it's like to feel young in mind and older in body! 😆

Now let's feel:

What Is Nutritional Yeast, Really?  (I use this everyday to get our B vitamins in.  2g does it!)

How Long Does It Take to Lose Muscle?  (I swear it feels like I'm back at square one after every vacation.)

Depression Is Not Caused by Chemical Imbalance in the Brain  ("This notion emerged, not coincidentally, in the late '80s with the introduction of Prozac—a drug that appeared to be helpful in treating depression by increasing levels of the brain neurotransmitter serotonin."  I feel like everything I "learned" as a kid is wrong.  Makes me wonder what we're "learning" now that is pushed as fact that will be proven wrong in 20-30 years.)

Study Provides Better Insight Into the Vagus Nerve’s Link to the Brain  (I've recently been looking into this but need to actually do the exercises I've seen.)

Nursing homes use lawsuits to demand friends and family pay off medical debts  (I am in utter disbelief and actually kind of terrified.  If you or any of your family or friends need to go into a nursing home MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A LAWYER GO OVER THE CONTRACT!)

Genius Castile Soap Uses for Your Entire Home  (Still have unopened bottles of it from the last article I read touting its miracle powers.  Sigh.)

Millions are ‘awwwing’ over this cute video of an American asking Robert Irwin for his number  (That sweet lil nugget handled that perfectly and of course it's an American that was so pushy to put him in the situation.  😑)

Man Forgets Something When He Went to Work  (This is so sweet but also what does it say that this kind of act is now newsworthy?  But more than happy to share it!)

If you could throw out some good vibes for the Mr today who is having a test done, I'd be most appreciative.  No plans that I know of for the weekend.  

Any rump shaking plans in your future?

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  1. Another one of those weeks that I'm glad is in the past now... Thanks for the good vibes! Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. Good vibes on the test!
    Have a great weekend


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