Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Hump Day Poll: There's an App for That


What apps do you use on a daily basis?

I'll scroll IG in the morning before getting up, I use Cronometer at night to plan my meals for the next day, I might hop on YouTube and mail but that's about it.  I don't use many flashy apps.

What apps do you use on a daily basis?

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  1. Cronometer, of course mail and youtube but also flyladyplus which is a good daily tasking app and then I use a lot of apps for various grocery pickups... oh and I recommend stocard app for storing all those grocery cards so you don't have to keep them on your keys or wherever.

  2. Good morning!
    IG, FB, Spotify, weather, bank, teams, work email, fitbit, indeed, LinkedIn.
    I try to stay basic to limit my time on them.
    I love having teams on there so I can use my Bluetooth during meetings and do household things at the same time

  3. I only have 2 apps...a flashlight app that lights up like an airport and an app I have to use for verification whenever I upload our tax info to the tax lady.


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