
Monday, April 4, 2022

Marvelous Monday Weekend Recap

Happy Monday all!  I know one person who is having a particularly happy Monday.  My bestie's last day at her job is tomorrow and I wish I lived closer to her so I could grab some Portillo's and we could eat at a park with her pups and celebrate proper.  So it's a marvelous Monday for her.  Happy butterflies for her I'm sure!

Friday night we made a very quick Target run and when we got back we watched The Bubble on Netflix.  (Judd Apatow's newest flick)  It. was. horrible.  Like if we weren't in a townhome, it made you want to burn your own house down bad.  The kind of movie that makes you start rearranging your personal worst top 5.  So yeah.  Good times and if you choose to watch it, don't say you weren't warned.  As with most of Netflix's crap, the bar is set so low they know you'll watch anything because it's different and by the time you realize it's crap, you've already wasted those hours of your life.  I kind of sorta have Bridgerton on in the background sometimes but I'm so bored with it that I don't care if I finish it whereas last season I burned through it in 18 hours.  (Actually, I just hopped online and read spoilers that aren't really spoilers because you know in episode one where it's going to go.  There, now I don't have to bother.)

We got our new shelves for over the garage door and the Mr got to it in getting them hung so we could start freeing up space.  

It took longer than expected, like everything in life, but when it was done we got to loading up!

All of that stuff was on our floor, other shelves, etc so it has freed up a good bit of space and was an instant pay off for the hard work on the Mr's part.  I hope he feels the same way.  Each shelf holds 150 lbs of "where do we put this?"  While he was doing that, I filled in the gaps where our 26 year old caulk disintegrated out of the wall with new caulk so it's all sealed up now.  The left side of the door looks really bad but if we end up drywalling that side then it'll get covered up anyway.  I'm not super worried about it at this point.

The a-hole neighbor decided he would come out and smoke his cigar in attempts to annoy us.  Guess what you're getting?  Maneskin's Italian songs blasting at ya, jerk.  That took about a song and a half before he stomped off.  Literally every time we open the door to go to our garage, he purposely goes out there and hocks, coughs and whatever other demon noises he can muster.  Welcome to townhome living.  It REALLY sucks that I've only known two years of life not attached to other people.  If I knew we could move to a neighborhood with actual land that wouldn't be taken over by imminent domain and build houses close enough to hang out the window and touch your neighbors house, we'd move.  Literally no land left here that isn't in constant threat of being taken away.  I've watched them kick people out of houses they've been in for decades just to knock the houses down and let the land sit there for six or more years and for what?  Sorry, I got off track.  So unlike me.  😁


Sunday morning we just chilled in bed and caught up on the DVR.  I made brunch and we decided to go for a three miler in the historic district and we met a lot of puppers along the way which was nice.  We got home in time for our grocery delivery after we rolled and stretched.  We're so bad at that after walks but after walking on cobblestone sidewalks, it's mandatory or I'll be crippled the rest of the week.

Then we had dinner and watched a little Chateau DIY and chilled the rest of the weekend away.

How was your weekend? Anything fun/productive/otherwise?

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  1. So glad you had the idea to put shelving there. It's just nice to have options for storage and I am so glad they are up now. Overall a pretty good weekend too but short as always. Have a great week everybody!

  2. Ha! I'd jump up and click my heels if it was physically possible!! The garage shelves look great! Wonderful storage space while still being accessible. Weekend was good and pretty typical with swim for the pooches, house stuff and work. We got hit with snow on two days, the second was on Saturday and we ended up with 3 inches of heavy solid snow pack! It was quite odd, but so cute, so drive past a house on April 2nd that did a snowman in their front yard. lol

  3. I took the kiddo skiing on Friday. It's the only time we've been up all year. The nearest slope is about 3 hours away, so it's a production to make it up there. I wish we had been able to get there more often, but at least we got one ski trip in.

    We got home Saturday, and Sunday was a whole lot of nothing.


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