Friday, April 29, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #17

So long April, we hardly knew ye!  It was one of those weird months that went by both fast and slow.  I'm just hoping temps stay mild for a little while longer and nothing drastic temp wise until June.  (Unless it wants to stay cool, then I'm cool with that but yeah, no flop sweat and bugs on walks kind of days yet please.  I don't live in the South for a reason.)  

Now let's flop into...

Does Iceberg Lettuce Really Have No Nutritional Value?  (I know it's not as nutritionally fancy as spinach but dang there is nothing better than an old school iceberg salad with Catalina French dressing and soy bacon bits like Ponderosa style.)

9 Chair Exercises That Will Light Up Your Entire Body  (This is an awesome workout for those with mobility or balance issues but also a good travel workout.)

10 Short, Simple Steps to Having a Cleaner Bedroom (Pretty sure my solution involves matches)

Why You Need to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication ASAP  (Do it.  Lotsa bad stuff circulating right now)

How to Get Rid of Gnats in Your Plants for Good  (One of the main reasons I don't do indoor plants.)

The Best Way to Apply Foundation, According to Beauty Experts  (I swear man, I feel like I cannot catch up with all of the this and that crap that you need to do in order to just put on a face.  I watch beauty tutorials (for mature skin now.  When the F did that happen!?!) and sorely miss the days of slapping on whatever was cheapest on my face and not having to worry about ingredients, layering, serums, blah blah blah.  I can almost still smell the Covergirl foundation with cosmetic wedges now.)

How to lock down your Twitter data, or leave, before Musk takes over  (I have a Twitter I don't use but deleting it anyway.  That platform is full of so much hate it's not funny, it doesn't need help swirling the drain with that dude taking over.)

I found a pic of that mouse I wrote about in Wednesday's post:

It's not from the best angle and I guess it kind of looks more like a shark so I had Baby Shark going on long before it became an annoyance!  But it's still cute and I love it's 80's style and more importantly what it stands for.

The computer hard drive bit the weenie with relish after only two years and I had a site issue for well over an hour that induced quite the butt pucker moments earlier in the week.  We're getting antsy from those stressors and others, so a long drive is in our future.  We haven't done a good one in a long time so we're due!  Other than that, nothing set in stone.

Any road trips in your future?

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  1. Happy Friday!
    I'll be tripping from Chi-town to LA then flying back. My youngest is moving out there!
    I've been in Bama all week, excited to head home tonight.
    Have an awesome weekend!

  2. Enjoy your Friday and the weekend everybody! I too am ready for a nice long drive after the week we had!

  3. Such a cute mouse!! No road trips in our future for quite a while with the older pups. Busy weekend planned with errands and decluttering the house. Weather is supposed to be in the 60s so hopefully opening some windows for fresh air will feel nice and be motivating to keep going amongst the piles. lol Have a GREAT weekend and enjoy a well-deserved long drive. It'll feel great to get out of the city for a bit and see signs of Spring popping up.


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