Friday, November 19, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #47

Happy Friday to you lovely people!!  I can't tell you how excited I am that it's the weekend since it's been a long week.  I can't believe a week from now Thanksgiving will be over.  I've got most of my stuff made and frozen so I only have to do Grandma's noodles from scratch the day of.  I'll make our apple pie the day before and I went easy on myself this year and got store bought pie crusts to unroll.

Nothing noteworthy on the eats front so let's just get to...

Doing Cardio Workouts Before Weight Lifting May Help Boost Muscle, According to New Study  (This is good to know!  Might have to break out the aerobic step or something.)

Can Drinking Water Actually Help You Lose Weight?  (Interesting note on the menopause study.)

Palm Oil Encourages Cancer To Spread Through The Body  (Courtesy of the Mr.  Well shit...this stuff is in EVERYTHING.  Start looking at the ingredients if your food comes boxed, jarred or bagged.)

Please give Amber's story a read  (This is heartbreaking.  She is a brave, strong woman who could use a little help.)

The Pandemic Clock Mirage  (A very interesting perspective that makes you think!)

85 DIY Christmas Crafts to Add Personality to Your Home in an Instant  (Fun stuff especially if it's cloudy and windy outside and you need a small project!)

Non-Rich People Are Sharing Subtly Obvious Signs Of Wealth, And Honestly, It's Pretty Eye-Opening  (As someone whose single mom had to scrimp and work two jobs as a kid I could definitely relate to many of these.  But having a wonderful husband who provides a good life for us, I admit, I forgot some of them.  😔 As Thanksgiving approaches, this article was a perfect reminder to not only be thankful for what you have but the circumstances some of us came from to appreciate what we may take for granted even more.)

This weekend we're transitioning over to Christmas.  I want most of it done as far as the tree and most of the living room done so I'll only have to do in the kitchen once Thanksgiving is over.  I'm ready to get into the holiday spirit with so much to be thankful for!

What do you have on tap for this weekend?

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  1. Wow, that signs of wealth one was really an eye opener in a lot of ways but I think the one that makes me just mad is the line someone shared about just being able to go to a doctor or seek medical care was a sign of wealth to them because they couldn't just do that. Another line in there was about having nice healthy teeth that don't hurt. That just makes me sad and also mad at the way our health care industry works.

    Aside from that I am looking forward to the holidays - bring 'em on!

  2. I read that article about the Palm Oil earlier this week -- awful stuff because, as you said, it's everywhere! Scary.
    Trip to the burbs today, swim class for one of the pooches tomorrow, lots of laundry, then working. I've woken up the past two days at 4:30am with no falling back asleep and no naps. This is going to make for a VERY long day with a long drive. The pounding headache I have lets me
    Have a super, wonderful, joyful weekend!!

  3. I've seen the thing about drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces before. No can do though - if I drank that much fluid I would never leave the bathroom. It would just be a constant stream in one end and out the other.

    I grew up pretty privileged. I didn't know it at the time, but looking back I absolutely know it. That said, there were some tight times out of college and the two that resonated with me were "not knowing EXACTLY how much money you have at the moment" and "not having to do math in the grocery store". I used to shop with a calculator in my hand and for a lot of years I knew, to the penny, how much was in my checking account. Now neither of those things is true.


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