Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Hump Day Poll: Catching Zzzz's

How do you sleep?

Side sleeper?  If so, which side?  On your back?  On your stomach?   One pillow or two?  

I sleep on one pillow my left side but used to sleep on my right my whole life.   I can fall asleep on my back if I want to suck in the drapes snore.  No can do on my stomach unless I had to.  I always think two pillows staggered feels best when I fall asleep then I have a kink in my neck for a week and have to dig out the knot.

**Side note:  If y'all are the praying/good vibe kind, I'm having a procedure this afternoon that I have to be put out for which has me a little nervous.  Okay, a lot nervous.  If you could send some positive energy out there, I would be ever so grateful.  I'll get into it more next week since I have my posts all done for the week.  Thanks in advance!**

How do you sleep?   Side sleeper?  If so, which side?  On your back?  On your stomach?   One pillow or two?  

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  1. Mostly left side sleeper with a pillow under the neck and a pillow on the side for leverage.

    Positive vibes for today!!!

  2. It all depends on where I'm sleeping. If I'm in my recliner I lay all the way back with usually one leg bent and a heating pad on my back. If I'm in bed I'm more of a stomach/side sleeper. I flip and flop because laying on either side gives me hip pointer issues after a little while so then I'm on my tummy, which I like the most I'd say.

  3. I'm generally a side sleeper with one pillow, and it has to be soft and squishy. I start on my right side but I will flip back and forth through the night. Once something on my right side gets stiff or sore, I roll to my left until I feel uncomfortable there, and then roll back to my right. Most of the time I'll wake up on my right side. And there are always the weird times where only sleeping on my back feels comfortable, usually when I am having digestive issues.

  4. I have neck and back issues so have a pile of pillows arranged while I sleep on my left side.

    Sending you many positive vibes for your day!

  5. Good luck! Hope it goes smoothly.

    Side, rolled pillow under neck, thick pillow under top leg

  6. Side sleeper, either side but mostly facing the edge of the bed furthest from the door (so right side at home, but often left side when travelling based on how the room I'm staying in is set up). One firm pillow, and a body pillow for alignment.


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