Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Hump Day Poll: Where You At?


Yesterday the Mr went onsite for a few hours because he had to get an access card renewed.  It was the first time he'd been there since he started his new job which was the day the pandemic started.  He gathered all of his personal effects because he doesn't intend to go back if he can help it and someone else was using his desk anyway when there are 20 other desks to choose from...not cool.

It got me wondering about you guys.  

Are you still/permanently working from home?  Go in a few times a week?  Back to the grind full time and if so, for how long if you were ever work from home?

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  1. Let the permanent telework begin as far as I'm concerned! Can't wait to work from Tahiti!

  2. Seriously people - how do you use someone else's desk?! It made sense pre-pandemic when someone swiped my traveler desk because I had nothing on it but this???

    Anyway, my current organization is on permanent remote with potential to gather as a group infrequently once it becomes safer. I was working most days from home anyway and I prefer it.

  3. I had to laugh at your husband's remark - we are looking at working for a week at a campground in the Florida Keys!

    I took a new job during the pandemic which is 100% remote - my company is hundreds of miles away! I've been in twice and I hope that the team will try to gather a couple of times per year. But I have worked at the beach, the mountains, at home, etc. I love the flexibility! There are a few things I miss, but overall I'm good!

  4. With the nature of my job, it's been all hands on deck live and in person.

  5. I am a teacher, and the only time I worked from home was from the end of March 2020-May 2020 during the beginning of the Pandemic. After Summer break that year, we have been teaching in person 5 days a week. No online learning for my students. It has been all in person.

  6. My school was remote spring of 2020, but went back in person in August. We had a few times where we were sent home for a week or so b/c teachers had to quarantine and we didn't have enough subs. Primarily though, we've been in person all the time since then.

  7. I'm currently doing two weeks in the office and two weeks at home, so that the office building is only at about 50% capacity if you work in a cubicle. If you have a office, you are 100% in the office. We worked from home full time from spring 2020 to winter 2020. They sent us back 50% a couple of times and then when case numbers spiked they sent us back to work from home full time. In the last 20 months I have probably worked about 10 weeks in the office. Once everyone is back in the office full time then they are planning on a hybrid work trial where we work from the office Tuesday to Thursday and from home on Mondays and Fridays.

  8. I've been wfh since 3/13/2020. My company did nothing to make our transition easier. There is no talk about returning but they have turned down my request to move out of state. Kind of silly as I barely worked with anyone in my office and spent most of my time on calls with others around the world. I'm trying to decide if I risk it and give a friend's address and escape Illinois and the high taxes.
    Funny part is I took this position at a reduced salary because of the short commute!

    1. I have several friends who have moved from IL due to the high taxes so I don't blame you there! (That's totally ridiculous about not letting you move. SO many people have just moved and let them deal with it or just found a new job when they found out. I wish we had that kind of gonads but...LOL)

      Just wanted to let you know, for some reason a bunch of your comments went to spam and I didn't catch it. Grrrr!


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