Monday, November 1, 2021

Pops o' Peak Weekend Recap

How do all?  Happy November!  Ready or not, holiday mode is going to be in full swing.  Well, it already is if you haven't been to stores yet.  We finally got some hints of peak over the past week and figured we'd better catch it while it was here.  

The thing about being at the bottom of the valley on a trail walk is you have to go back to the top but at least we had a nice view while there.

Sometimes friends stop by to get your attention too.

It was a nice walk but man the ol' hips were feeling it since 2 1/2 miles on hills is much different than the same amount on flat cemetery terrain.

You'd think I'd learn by now that we need to roll when we get back from a walk but we never do.  😑

We also took a Sunday drive and had some more lovely color.

The sun made an appearance here and there.

We couldn't not watch some of our favorite Halloween movies like Fright Night (the good one), Scream and of course another viewing of...


Time for a new month with new fun things in store.  Today I'm going for a dermatology follow up and Friday the Mr and I have eye appointments with our new eye doctor so that should be fun.  No one tells you when you hit middle age you will see preventative doctors more than your friends and family in a normal year.

How did you spend Halloween weekend?

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  1. Fall Colors - Check.
    Country Drive - Check.
    Halloween Candy - Check.
    I'd say that was a good weekend and I know we accomplished all my goals for the weekend. Could use another day off though.

  2. Going to school the day after Halloween is always fun, and it's going to be even better since it's a Monday. Ugh. Took kids to a school event Friday, caught up on housework and grading Saturday, lounged all day Sunday. Nothing exciting, but I'm pretty ok with that.

  3. Lovely weekend views! I think Minnesota is now past peak, with most trees half to 100% bare. It's finally been cooler and less humid during my running workouts!

  4. Pretty quiet weekend. Just did usual house stuff and worked. I laughed yesterday as I was breaking down huge boxes from Sam's and Walmart in the garage, with just how much I was enjoying sitting there with my little box cutter making the stacks nice and neat to be twined for the recycler. This is how I know I've dipped into the well of "old fogie". LOL


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