Friday, August 20, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #34

Howdy do all!  Did you have a great week?  I hope so!  We had a short week but it always feels the same if not longer.  I am over the stinking hot weather and hoping Fall roars in and establishes itself early on.  You'll see by a few of the links that I'm already ready already.  (Anyone remember that commercial?)

Now are you ready for...

11 Foods High in Phytoestrogens  (Good info to know)

12 Awesome Health Benefits of Strength Training (We're here to up!)

My top 10 DIY hacks that make projects much easier  (Great tips!  Some I already use and some I'm incorporating!)

When Amazon Customers Leave Negative Reviews, Some Sellers Hunt Them Down (Can't count how many times this has happened to me.  I NEVER take down my negative reviews and I make sure to update them saying the seller has contacted me so think twice about how much trust you're putting into the glowing reviews for the product.  That usually ceases contact...along with marking them as spam.)

The best fictional films from real films  (Love this!  Chubby Rain for life!)

38 Fall Quotes to Get You Ready for the Coziest Season  (It's coming and I'm SUPER ready!)

I've got a friends birthday gifts I need to wrap and box up early since she's going out of town.  You didn't need to know that, it was more a reminder for myself.  (Mr- if you see I haven't done this yet, remind me.)  As you can see...big plans for the weekend!  HA!

What are your big weekend plans?

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  1. Friday. Once again a longer feeling week even after starting with having Monday off. What is it about that? Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. I have the usual grocery shopping and laundry today, meeting and house stuff tomorrow before working the rest of the weekend. It's hot and steamy here too so it's most unpleasant to be outside. Waiting to hear back from the tree guy and the ortho doc, but given it's Friday I'm not expecting them to reach out. lol Have a great weekend!


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