Friday, August 6, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #32

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you've had a wonderful week full of your favorite things!  Thanks so much for your positive vibes and prayers.  We very much appreciate it.  I gave myself permission not to worry about posting meals for a while.  If you need some ideas, scroll back through previous Friday posts but you'll quickly see we tend to stick to the same crap.  LOL

But now it's time to scroll...

5 Reiki Principles You Can Use to Create More Ease and Flow in Your Life  (If I could master the first one, I'd be set.)

8 Ways To Support Your Friends Emotionally When You’re Also Struggling  (Good read because we're all going through something)

“We’re Not Allowed to Hang Up”: The Harsh Reality of Working in Customer Service  (This is horrible and why I'd never work from home for any customer service job)

10 Shows That Made MTV Matter  (While I get what they're saying and I even watched a few (Headbangers Ball and some early Real World- I also think these shows were the beginning of the end as far as focusing on music.)

No plans for the weekend that I'm aware of.  I hope sleep is in the future because I need it and if I can't get it, I'm going to have a witch doctor blow dart me.

Whatchu doing this weekend?

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  1. I do plan to sleep in. So looking forward to that. Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. It's a typical weekend of doing some chores and going to work. It's going to be hot and blazes for the next week or longer, so I'll be inside as much as possible. The grass is back to being brown again so it's a visual reminder that we're in the thick of summer. As a kid I hated this month because I would start stressing about the start of school and the fear of socializing and not fitting in at all. Took me all the decades to learn how to appreciate the day and live in the moment.
    Have a good sleep-filled weekend!


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