Thursday, June 18, 2020

Keepin' It Green

I would love to have more exciting things to chat about but pretty much the only things I have to jazz up my days are the flowers I planted and keeping them alive.  I get it if it's boring for you though.  😄

My roses have been blooming quite a lot this week and I love to just give the full blooms a big ol' sniff as I water them.

As you can see, the morning glories have climbed their way to the top of the trellis and I'm anxiously awaiting any blooms.  I will probably explode confetti when that happens and the Mr is so proud to see me having raised them from seed to this vine.  It's the first time I've ever done that and won't likely be the last.

The Tahitian Bridal Veil (aka Wandering Jew) cuttings I got from Etsy are really starting to grow well and spread.

When I was in third grade, we had one of those hanging by the window and I used to water it.  Same with the morning glories.  I guess I'm going back to my childhood this year in times of uncertainty.

The ones in the back are growing well too. 

They're about boob height on me on the arbor and I'm hoping for a good push the next two weeks to get them crawling across the top.  I'm so happy my idea for that is coming to life.  I've wanted an arbor similar to that for two years and it's especially satisfying to see it this year.

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I did order some 20' fairy lights the other day and strung them up just to see what they'd look like.

It's good for a fun vibe and have several different settings to create whatever mood you're going for.  They were cheap and are waterproof so score!

Our romaine supply finally bumped back up and the arugula got taller too since I moved the light up on the Aerogarden.

So it was time to cut it all down and get our salad on.

My friend said "happy hump day...whatever that means anymore."  So I thought I'd make hump day a little more special with a bacon wrapped filet, baked potato and brussels.

I'm always super nervous doing delicate cuts on the grill so I seared them on both sides with the metal smoker pucks and some applewood chips.  Then I brought them inside to finish them off in the oven.

(Teenage me who ordered her steaks "burnt" is barfing in a bucket over that pic!)
Then we watched Jo Koy: Comin' in Hot from Hawaii on Netflix and all was right with the world again.  Any mainlanders watching that would be clutching their pearls but that's how it is out there and no one cares and they laugh.   I miss that place so much.

You growing anything?  Grilling anything?

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  1. I am very proud of all the hard work you put into all of the flowers and you have done a great job keeping it going too. I get to benefit from it as well. And then you go and make me steak! Who needs restaurants!

  2. Your flowers are lovely! All your gifts and now a green thumb as well. You, lady, are a gift yourself. My perennials are pretty well established.
    Daffodils and tulips followed by peonies, roses,daylilies, coneflowers, butterfly bushes, irises, daylilies, lily of the valley and bee balm. I moved my veggie garden this year and am attempting to grow a wildflower area in its place. Hard to tell what is coming up there as that is new to me. In the veggie garden I only have tomatoes, cukes, and jalapenos. On the grill, steaks, chops, burgers, brats, dogs and chicken. I love summer!!

  3. So pretty! Looks like a lovely oasis of color that will brighten even the darkest days. So happy you are seeing the fruits of your labor pay off! Just beautiful.

    I've opted not to grow anything. I have a pretty hanging basket someone gave me for mother's day that is lovely along with some little flowers for a wooden planter we have out front. Those are enough for me because I don't spend time outside very much. My work hours don't allow for much energy so I'm happy to look at these few things out front when I sit on my glider. I've considered getting a hummingbird feeder because the hubs has seen a lot of hummingbirds here as the neighbor's have some sort of feeder. We've seen some really pretty birds around lately and that always gives me a smile.

    The hubs said he'll go across the street to the local meat place and buy some steaks for this weekend. We had a t-bone and a porterhouse that he grilled last week which was fantastic. He grilled some chicken this week and that was so good! That was all I ate for dinner...just two pieces of chicken. He'd already eaten and I came down from trying to sleep and was too tired to make a vegetable, so protein it was. LOL Corn on the cob sounds good so that might be something I'll pick up for the grill too.


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