Monday, June 8, 2020

A Mixed Bag Weekend Recap

Howdy all!  I hope you had a good weekend and are ready for a new week. 

We had our first salads with our hydroponic crop:

It was nice but it only filled the bowl up 2/3 of the way and it's been around 4 days since and I'm betting it's going to take another week before I'm able to get them back to the previous height so it definitely can't replace our grocery runs which is a bummer.  I did adjust the grow light yesterday so I could hopefully get them to grow taller this round and we'll see what we can do.

Lots of binge watching for us over the weekend.  We finished the last two episodes of Dexter season five so we could start watching 13 Reasons Why, which we finished the next evening since there were only 10 episodes.  We were not a fan which really sucks given how much we loved the first season, the second was less great and at least it wasn't as bad as the third. 

I know I said I wasn't going to go to the store of the lady who was reopening but we decided to drive by on their last day open to see if it was empty enough for us to be comfortable enough going.  There were about six cars there so we took a peek in.  We had our own masks and Air Tamers but she had PPE's and gloves available to those who didn't come prepared which we thought was really nice of her.  It was nice to have 15 minutes of perceived normalcy to peruse.

I'm not going to lie though, it wasn't the same.  I have zero problem shopping in a mask however, people refuse to keep their distance and I don't like people as close as some got under normal circumstances.  I bought a few things to help support her and based on something she said, I emailed her and asked if she had an issue and she said she had two challenging people.  One screaming about their civil liberties and the other bitching about not being able to pay cash so they could maintain contactless payment.  She had her social media plastered with their rules for weeks as well as signs before you even go in so people knew what they were in for.  It's HER business, her rules.  Shop somewhere else if your panties are in that big of a knot. 

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We hung up these lanterns I got after I spray painted them all black to match the rest of the accents on the patio.  They have an LED light inside that simulates fire pretty well so it's nice to have going at dusk and into the night as everything cools off.

We grabbed our portable campfire and did some s'mores once it got dark.

After we put a lid on it, it got a little cool so he grabbed my reindeer blanket and I wrapped up and we looked at the stars until midnight.

The next morning I woke up early and did a grocery order and fell back to sleep.  We got up and I made brunch.  I got the flowers watered and told the Mr it was time to go to the landscapers so we could pick through some rocks.

Since I wanted a nice side yard, I decided we should replace the blah top row of retaining brick with some moss rock. 

We weren't sure how much to get or the price so I'm sure well go back at some point and get more moss rock to replace the bottom row too now that we have a better idea of how much we need but we need to give it time.  The ones that are left are a purple color and I don't want that and they won't open a new pallet so probably mid-summer.

Then we took out our pithy patch of grass and put in mulch and a few river rock stepping stones after pruning the out of control bush by the spigot.  That was quite the job in the hot sun and we were beat.  We chugged some Gatorade to cool off then had to go get our grocery order and basically conked out for the rest of the night.

What did you guys get into this weekend?

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  1. Mixed bag is right. I am glad we got out and went to a store just to get a small sense of normalcy. It bugs me that anyone would have to put up a fight with a the store owner over wearing a mask or using contactless payment. The owner of that store was terrified of opening back up in the first place and only did so once they felt they could do their best to keep things safe. Giving them grief for that is uncalled for. I am glad we did the extra yard work yesterday but boy am I sore already!

  2. Business owners should be able to set their own rules - if she had said no masks and cash only you guys would have skipped going in this weekend and that would have been the end of it. She had rules posted in shop, so it seems ridiculous for people to throw a fit over it.

    My weekend was pretty boring. It was super hot (over 100) and super windy (40-50 mph) so I pretty much hid in the house as much as possible. I made a groery pickup and a grocery run to the store that doesn't offer pickup and that was pretty much my excitement for the weekend.

  3. It was a decent weekend with good weather and typical weekend stuff -- laundry, bills, going through "stuff" and trying to nap so I could go to work. I'm glad my week is halfway done as of this morning. LOL It's a hot one here today, over 90 with not a cloud in the sky. Took the dogs for a quick ride with the a/c on and that's all their outdoor activity for the day aside from potty trips. I still can't get over that it's June 8th. Memorial Day seems like it was just a few days ago!! Sheesh....

  4. I love the lanterns! Sounds like a productive weekend. Have a great week!


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