Friday, June 26, 2020

What I'm Reading This Week #26

Y'all...we are officially halfway through 2020.  😲

I remember when this year started that I said "before you know it, I'll be doing #26 for the halfway point" and who knew then the clusterf**k we'd all have to endure to get to the halfway point!!  

Yeesh!  I'm praying for a better second half for all of us.

Now let's endure...

What they don’t tell you about surviving COVID-19   (This is what "recovery" looks like)

Family shaken after 18 relatives test positive for COVID-19 after birthday party  

Is It Safe to Stay in an Airbnb Right Now?  (Stock up on gloves and wipes and be ready to clean first, which we usually do anyway thanks to pretty lax cleaning crews in our experience.)

How Toxic Is Your Family?  (Someone commented 'does someone really need a list to know if their family is toxic?'  When it's written out in black and white and they are subtle toxicities, absolutely.)

There's a reason we procrastinate and it's not laziness  (Sure feels like it)

Why Does It Take Longer to Go There Than to Come Back?  (Every. Time.)

How to Remove Titles From Netflix's 'Continue Watching' Category  (SO nice to have those crap shows/specials I gave up on a few minutes in off of the list!)

Looney Tunes’ slapstick violence and gender-bending rabbits, explained by a 4.75-year-old  (As a Gen X-er, the answers from the kid are highly satisfying.  Just as in our know better!)

From Walkman to Your Phone: 40 Years of Portable Music  (Ahh, the "anti-skip" CD Discman...lies.  Hey Mr, remember the Zune!?)

“Reality” is constructed by your brain. Here’s what that means, and why it matters.   (The next three are courtesy of The Mr)

A teenager had some hilarious 'additional instructions' for his Amazon delivery woman, and she followed them to a tee  (I'm so doing this.)

ORIGINAL Ghostbusters Cast - Reunited Apart  (Great bit o' nostalgia and stories!)

It's supposed to be a sauna this weekend so who knows if we'll get outside at all.  I'm going a little stir crazy but that's nothing new.  I could clean the house but that's no fun.  We're pretty much a clear slate so who knows what we'll do to fill this final weekend of June.

Anything on your end?

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  1. Hard to believe June is almost over already. It is such a weird movement of time when you have no major plans and you spend most of your time at home babysitting a work laptop. On one hand, time feels like it is going by slowly but then when I actually take notice of it I feel like "Where did June go already"? Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. Happy Friday! This year is flying. I'm definitely going to read that toxic family one after the run in I had with my elderly aunt last weekend! Heading to Iowa to collect my Mom who I dropped off there last week. Fingers crossed.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. This year is going by at a ridiculously fast pace! It's been a long week and I'm glad it's over. No great shakes for the weekend other than the usual stuff. This is one of those times I'd like to just get a dumpster and start pitching without even looking. lol Hope you have a good weekend and can get out of the house for a bit of a drive (with the a/c on high, of course given the sweatbox it's going to be). Autumn is comin' sister!


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