Friday, December 20, 2019

What I'm Reading This Week #51

Nothing like it being 10pm and realizing you don't have your post done!  Whoops.  I spent yesterday with my friend and her new baby.  He was a fussy lil cuss to which she profusely kept apologizing and I told her it was fine.  He's a baby, that's his job.  But it was nice to visit with her and she really loved her Hot Logic mini and all the meals I made her. 

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I did make her cry with this book I got.  I saw it at Vindler's Five & Dime in NY and I thought it would be perfect to read to him.  It gives little tips on each page like "friends can be mean sometimes, learn to forgive them" and "being a man isn't about being tough, it's about being a kind person that helps others" and stuff like that to be a confident, good boy as he grows up.  She said this book is exactly what she wants him to grow up to be and couldn't stop crying.  So I highly recommend it if you have a new first-time mom.  There's also a girl's version.     

Let's get right to...

YouTube’s FitnessBlender Stars Daniel and Kelli Segars Share How to Stay In Shape Around the Holidays  (Good advice from some of our favorite Youtubers!)

Is It OK to Work Out When You're Sick? Here's How to Tell   (I always feel better when I workout even if I have to pull it back a little.)

Have Hip Pain? Here Are The 10 Best Yoga Poses To Ease Achy Hips   (Yes please)

Promote Winter Wellness with Hygge  (Word to yer mutha!)

33 Amazing Ways to Make Your Home So Cozy for Winter   (Our house looks like a damn forest and I love it.)

This Cozy Farmhouse Has Something Called a ‘Snug Room’ and Now We Want One  (This is literally my dream house.  I exploded confetti with each pic so the Mr had a lot of sweeping to do.  And screw the snug room, give me that fireplace any day.)

4 Obstacles to Positive Life Change  (You don't say.)

10 Home Prep Tips Before Going on Vacation  (To grandmother's house we go...)

The Heartbreaking Story Behind How Linda Ronstadt Lost Her Voice  (I always remember staying with my great aunt & uncle and my 2nd cousin was home for the weekend and put in her Linda Ronstadt cassette as we were driving somewhere.  I was in the backseat and listening to them sing the duet with her and James Taylor "I Think It's Gonna Work Out Fine."  My aunt's cute little head bobbing back and forth as she sung " out fine."  Still warms my heart to think about.)

I Lost My Life to Airbnb  (Wow, no way I could live like that.)

In a Word: Eight, er, Nine Tiny Reindeer  (Really interesting info!)

Neighbors of ‘Home Alone’ house share behind-the-scenes video of the iconic movie 30 years after its release  (Courtesy of the Mr. and SUPER interesting video!  Don't miss it!)

I hope you guys have something fun planned for the weekend.  The Mr is going to see Star Wars with my cousin, as is their tradition on Saturday morning.  I'll be making spice cake and my cheeseball for Christmas with my grandpa's wife the next day so I have nothing to do the day of. 

What are you guys up to this weekend?

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  1. Merry Christmas! My sons will be home tomorrow for a week long bisit😍

  2. It was nice to have her visit with her little nugget yesterday. For some reason it felt like Friday but here we are on the real Friday and I just want to get thru work today cause I cannot wait now for my movie! Not just because I am excited but also because the media seems to be making it very hard lately to avoid spoilers. Have a great weekend everyone!

  3. I have an eye appt today and have a few places I need to drop things off at, so I'll be doing that and some laundry. The hubs found out he has to work 12 hour days for at least the next two weeks, but thankfully was not scheduled for tomorrow (he is for Sunday), so he surprised me by saying he wanted to go to my uncle's with me tomorrow. I thought he'd want to stay home to rest, but he likes seeing my uncle open his gifts and usually gets some fun pics. Sunday I'll grocery shop as he'll be working and I'll finish the laundry. I have one last gift for the hubs to wrap that I forgot has been in a drawer so I need to do that. Everything else is done for Christmas, aside from prepping dinner, so I'm in good shape there.
    Have a fantastic weekend and try to get some Hallmark Movie time in if you can!


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