Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Is it just us? Hump Day Poll

**Reminder, Sunday is the deadline if you want to be included in the Christmas lights post!  Set a reminder for yourself for later tonight if you're reading this in the morning.**

Now, onto the post.

It's two weeks from Christmas day.

I feel like we haven't gotten to really enjoy the season at all.  I thought it might just be us or my projects in the living/dining area over the past weeks.  However, I've heard other people out in the wild say there's just something weird about this holiday season that they can't put their finger on.

How about you?

Is this holiday season running as usual for you or do you feel like there's something askew that has nothing to do with a late Thanksgiving?

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  1. It is off this year. We're all going thru the motions, cause that's what you do in December, but it's off. The retailers started "Black Friday" 2 weeks before Thanksgiving, so it's not like we haven't been reminded everywhere we go that the shopping season was underway. Maybe the collective mind decided to rebel against their early shopping manipulation. Who knows.

  2. I'm so far behind it's ridiculous. I travelled for work last week so shopping begins today. I feel rushed and overwhelmed.
    Enjoy your day

  3. I don't know if it's the late Thanksgiving or something else. I'm not a huge Christmas person in the best of years, but this year is extra not exciting for me. I'm always pressed for time b/c the end of the quarter is right before Christmas (so much better than when it used to be after break) so I'm scrambling at work and personal stuff takes a back seat. Usually though I at least have a plan by now even if the actual shopping hasn't happened yet. This year... nope. It doesn't help that I don't have lists from anyone so I'm flying blind. Even my kiddo hasn't had time to make me a list yet. I do have some things I've picked up for people throughout the year stashed in a closet. I haven't made the time to inventory that yet, I'm hoping that once I inventory and wrap those this weekend (weekend phhhhh - Sunday is my only day off so that's when everything has to happen) I will realize I'm more prepared than I thought.

  4. Definitely, but I can list several reasons: husband at a new job and this is a very busy time of year, study for a major professional certification, work stress, etc. But yes, I put up maybe 75% of my decorations and called it good. Doing the best I can and trying not to let my expectations get in the way of enjoying the rest.

  5. I think it's a contrast from last year having nearly 5 weeks between TDay and Xmas then this year not having 4. It also feels like the stores put Xmas up early. I saw Xmas stuff in mid-October. There's a mix of too much and not enough for me.

    On the bright side we finally have our trees and lights up and are almost done with the must do before Xmas projects so we might be able to enjoy the season soon. I hope you find a way too. I know it's one of your favorites.

  6. Feeling weird here as well. We just moved back 'home' two months ago after 15 years in FL and 15 years before that in various places. It's great to be close to family and best friends again, but I'm also having trouble feeling like this is 'real' and I think that's impacting my holiday spirit some. Also it's the first Christmas since my dad passed in May, so there's that...

  7. Definitely weird and I can't use the excuse of a late Thanksgiving as an excuse, as I am Canadian and live in Canada. But I definitely feel off. I'm behind in my baking, decorating and my shopping. Only two types of cookies have been baked so far. I haven't bought Christmas wreaths for my exterior doors and there hasn't been talk about helping our friends sell natural Christmas trees from their farm yet or getting a tree for ourselves. I know it isn't just me in my house either. My partner's work Christmas party was cancelled due to poor planned attendance. No one seems to be in the mood. I'm just looking forward to my two week break from work, even if it means more hockey travel and family drama.

  8. My decorating is very minimal and I don't have very much planned as far as holiday-themed meals/desserts go for the month. In one way, I'm ahead of the game because of surgery that I absolutely could not procrastinate on some things like shopping and wrapping. So for that I'm grateful because that's all done and all I have left to wrap is a few things for the hubs. So the usual stress of all that (and feeling overwhelmed) isn't there. But I'm also not in a "holiday" frame of mind either. I think I've lowered my expectations so far over the years, that it's hard for me to get too "up" for anything, so a "meh" holiday still feels better than some in the past. Sad, isn't it? But I can't say I feel down or unhappy with anything. Just kind of coasting though, while my head whips around at how fast weeks and months go by. That's probably it more than anything -- how fast time seems to go so I don't feel I have a chance to slow things down to embrace a holiday or season because we're always on to the next one before the current one is even here!

  9. On one hand, I put all the decorations up and am enjoying them. (Late thanksgiving is a huge factor, I agree). I have pared down to the xmas decorations I love and use. (But I also increased my decorations for other holidays and use them).

    On the other hand, since I have been doing serious decluttering/rehoming/selling/donating continuously (house/attic/garage) since the spring of 2018, I can just barely stand the thought of more stuff. So very little is under the tree.


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