
Monday, July 22, 2019

Half Baked Weekend Recap

Happy Monday, everyone.

I made my lime bars for our gathering Saturday, and I think I might've baked the shortbread for a normal time instead of slightly underbaking.  When I went to cut it, something looked off, and I cut, I realized all of the lime filling went under the crust and baked upside down. 

I almost tossed it, but I put a plate down and flipped it.  It wasn't too bad and had some of the filling still stuck to the parchment paper.  Old me would've been freaking out, but I think I'm just so over everything right now, I was like "eff it" and put them together and figured it's all going to the same place, so I didn't care.   I talked to my friend going through every life crisis, and it was confirmed, terminal cancer out of the blue of the father figure in her life, so the object is to make him comfortable because he's too old for chemo.  Truly, it's a miracle the man has made it this long given his diet of "sit on your butt and eat vats of candy and chips or pretzels."  He's thin too.  Go figure.  She flew home that night and will be back for her mom's next chemo treatment assuming she'll be able to have it.  Then I had to tell her I was going to be out for the day and entertaining that night and have a safe flight because I was taking on her stuff and I've got enough of my own and needed that day to just not worry about more than what was in front of me.  I did as much prep work as I could before going to a vintage shop to pick up some items I bought online.  There's a talented painter there who is about to take a break (and I think she might not come back) so I wanted to get some of her work.

We went to a few shops in the area, and I picked up a Christmas gift for a friend, so I have two things for her and one thing for my mom, so I feel like I have a little bit of a head start.  I was hangry, so we went to the closest restaurant, which isn't a place we would've chosen typically.  It was decent, but I don't have a desire to go back.  We saw the other side of the freeway was backed up for miles, so we took the back way, and it took us past an area we used to frequent when we were first dating.  It's a lot different but always brings back memories.  We got back home and took about a 30-minute nap before I had to get to boiling corn, get burger trimmings on a platter, get the beans cooking, etc.

Our friends were bringing tres leches cake, which neither of us ever had before, chips and mac salad.  When they got here, I put on the burgers and brats, and we dug in.  It was a nice, catch-up session.  We both agreed afterward we're not fans of the cake.  I ate half of my slice because I didn't want to be rude, but I didn't think it had much flavor.  They were here until around midnight, and when they left, we didn't feel like going up to bed but were both freezing, so we cuddled up under blankets and faded in and out of consciousness until 2am. 

Sunday we got up, and the Mr was kind enough to get the patio all covered back up.  We had several good chats throughout the day an hour at a know, solving the world's problems and all.  I reheated leftovers and really shouldn't have, but I was in no mood to do more than microwave something.  I entered my stuff in Cronometer so I would have to burn 890 calories to undo what I did.  I knew I could likely do it if we did our scheduled workout instead of painting like we've done the past 2 Sundays.  We went to Home Depot to get a few things, and we came home and got to our workout.   I burned 960 calories, so that was good but doubled my sodium so my legs are good n' tight.  Womp womp.   Then it was time to wind down for the evening and psych ourselves up for the week.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. An interesting weekend and another weekend gone by too fast as usual. I have an audit this week so, fun? Will be glad when it's over but my normal duties tend to pile up when I'm stuck doing the audit interviews so double fun next week!

    1. Yep. They always seem to do that, don't they? Hopefully work will surprise you and nothing will be waiting for you when it's all done!

  2. I'm really sorry to hear about your friend's father. Such a difficult thing to go through. I get it though, I feel other people's feels as well. Sounds like you had a good weekend. Looking forward to seeing the reveal photos of the workout room. I went to Iowa to get my mom who have been visiting there. Spent time with cousins that we're out of the family for 22 years. So much wasted time and so much missed . But so very glad they are back in the family. Have a great week!

    1. Me too. He's lived a good, long life (96!) but it really stinks it had to hit at the same time as the other stuff. So am I!! LOL We're at the harder stage where we're going into uncharted territory of things we've never done before (you know, put up a wall) so it's like we need to just jump in or it will be a constant state of construction down there! So sorry that so long went between visits with the cousins but glad there was a reconnect!

  3. A full weekend for you indeed! I'm glad you took time to enjoy yourself and it sounds like you paced everything nicely and didn't feel too frantic. That's the way to do a weekend! Mine was busy and we got a lot of little things done, which felt wonderful. Ticky tack stuff that needed to be done and we both feel good about it. Talked with my friend, whose husband is back in the hospital with sepsis (literally just got home a couple of weeks ago from rehab for the same thing) and she's been struggling with A-fib with all the stress of caregiving, so my heart just breaks for her. Saturday the heat index was 112, but after a storm came through the temps dropped beautifully for Sunday, so it was pleasurable to be outside. A gorgeous day today is on tap as well. I have the plumber coming this morning for a toilet repair and I'm going to talk to him about getting a taller toilet for that bathroom. Then I have hydro in the early afternoon that I rescheduled to accommodate this guy coming. Me and the dogs are getting out in this lovely weather today too because they feel even more cooped up than I do! LOL

    1. Sounds like you had a busy weekend! Wow, sorry to hear about all the friend is going through. It so hurts your heart when you see people going through something that that. Hope you and the pups enjoy your outing!

  4. I didn't do a lot this weekend. Read most of a book, dinked on the computer, etc. I did get my kitchen back under control - not the deep clean I wanted but enough that it doesn't make my eye twitch. We went to see Spidermnan last night with a couple of the kiddo's friends. The boys loved it, and I enjoyed it. Today is a final load of laundry, and then packing for another several days out of town. This time at my folks, and then the boy will spend a few extra days with them when I leave.

    It sounds like a busy weekend for you, and I'm glad you didn't stress out about your lime bars. I feel awful for your friend, especially trying to deal with all of this from a distance.

    1. Hey, that's what summers are for! It's always nice when an out of control room gets tidied because it does so much for our stress levels! Enjoy the time with your folks!

      Yeah, it's not a good situation all around and my heart breaks for her.


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