
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Pamper Yo'Self

The past few years, the self-care revolution has been picking up steam.  As a society always on the go, overworked, tightly wound and pressured to watch every friggin' word that comes out of their word hole (or typed), it's no wonder articles on how to take time for yourself are so popular.  But how often do you actually take the time to put true pampering at the top of your list?

I'm cheap frugal so while I'd love to indulge in a facial, massage or foot bath, all I see are dollar signs, and in the end, I value money available for other indulgences than on myself.  However, I can't deny that when I have made the time to really pamper myself or be pampered, I do feel SO much better.  It instantly changes my mindset.  The hamster in my brain gets off the wheel and takes a nap for the rest of the night, and I can have a mental break I so desperately need sometimes.  These are the things I love to use when I need some pampering.

The following are affiliate links to products I actually use.  (As always!)  I get a nominal commission to help with blog expenses should you buy through them at no cost to you.

I love at home spa treatments.  Korean sheet masks are the big thing right now, and besides making you look like Michael Myers while wearing them, they also leave you feeling relaxed if you find the right one.  (I got one once, and I don't know what's in it but both of us actually, felt burning sensations after two minutes, and those babies were ripped off.  Yes, I made the Mr do one even though half of his face is covered in scruff.)  It's important to find a brand that gels well with you especially if you have sensitive skin.  I like to go as natural as possible, so these are my faves:

(via Amazon)

Just drape the mask onto your face and lie back and try not to fall asleep!  (We did the first time we used them!)  When you're done, just rub the goodness into your face and feel the relaxation!  There are all kinds of great Korean sheet masks out there.  This pack has 39 of them for under $25, so you could treat yo'self once a week for the better part of the year!  Or if you're having a pampering girls night or bachelorette party, these would be perfect!  If you're silly like me or want to get the kids or grandkids in on the action, these have animal faces on the front!  I'll take the otter, please.

How about a relaxing foot soak?  I thought I would never buy the stuff to do this but after doing a foot soak/massage at a place in Portland, Maine I was hooked!  I got this tub:

(via Amazon)
I didn't want anything fancy or something I had to plug in.  I wanted to be able to soak my tootsies, ankles and lower calves especially if I'd gone snowshoeing, walked a lot and had sore feet or just flat out wanted a little pampering.  I haven't used it quite as much as I'd like but more than I thought I would.  I use this Epsom salt blend, and I'm in heaven.

(via Amazon)

I can't tell you how good this feels on your feet.  Peppermint has always been used on the feet for that tingle sensation, but the rosemary adds something extra.

You might as well go all out and set the mood with some aromatherapy.  This is the exact diffuser sitting beside me right now.

(via Amazon)

I have a smaller one by my bed, but this bigger one puts out a lot of mist, is very quiet and I've had no issues with it.  I like to add lavender essential oil or a blend when I'm in pamper mode.  It's also nice to put something like orange and/or lemongrass in the morning to help wake me up.  We've also used it during the winter to put some moisture back into our seating area.  It's not a humidifier, but it seems to have made the winter a little more comfortable.

If you have puffy eyes, allergies or sinus issues, you'll want to make this bad boy part of your spa night:

(via Amazon)

An ugly cry from a romcom (or a deodorant commercial depending on the time of the month) can leave me with what I refer to as "bagel eyes."  I always keep this mask in the freezer (in a baggie), so if a cry headache has rendered me puffy, I can get to taking care of it.  This is also super soothing for eye allergies like I have and would be yet another way to take care of yourself.

This last thing was a total splurge, but I asked for it for my birthday.

(via Amazon)

It's a bamboo/terry cloth robe, and it's friggin' luxurious.  They are available in plus size for a reasonable price and aren't flimsy.  When we went away for a weekend, there were robes at the cabin we stayed at that actually fit me, and I felt spoiled, so of course, when I got home, I immediately added it to my wish list.  I don't use it quite as much as I should, but if you're going all out, you should just go for it.  Plus it's nice to just cozy up in the cool spring mornings or after a shower when you're damp and putting on your favorite lotion.

So those are my spa day favorites.  If you bought all of these things one time, you would spend the same at a fancy pants spa for ONE treatment but have them for multiple treatments!  It would pay for itself in two uses!

What's your favorite way to pamper yourself at home?

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  1. Sunday evening is spa time for me. A nice bubbly soak with Epsom salt with a face mask, followed by luxurious body cream topped off with a home mani/pedi. Gets my mind straight for the work week.

  2. I'm pretty boring in this category and don't really enjoy anything more than a foot bath in Epsom salts. Not a mani/pedi kind of gal and I'm hit or miss with lotioning consistently (although I should with my dry skin). My best way to do some self-care is to find quiet time on my day off to have no tv or radio on, have a scented candle burning, the window cracked open, and delve deep into one of my favorite book genres and get lost in that era. Then when my eyes get sleepy, to take a nap with the pooches each taking one too and we all just chill in the early afternoon. Those days are very few and far between, but when I do them, it's pure bliss for all of us. =o)


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