
Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday already, eh?


Happy Monday everyone!

This weekend went by quite fast.  Saturday we went to a store to get some money back on some shirts I bought.  The day after we got them, they went on sale.  Of course.  Sorry, $19.50 is better in my pocket than a store's.  We stopped by TJ's, and it was just way too crowded to justify going in there for something that wasn't a necessity.  We swung by a grocery store to grab some stuff for lunch then we pretty much did nothing all day.  I think we went out later but honestly, I don't remember where.  I made desserts for Easter.  I made sugar free banana cream pie for the diabetics to have a guilt-free choice, spice cake at my mom's request (though it turned out like crap- note to self: don't use a foil pan) and Grandma's traditional Easter candy platter.  I'm buying less Russell Stover eggs next year though since there were four of them left.

Sunday morning we started our Easter off with LIIFT 4 Back and Bi's with HIIT intervals.  We followed it up with a good PT, roll and stretch session.  (Today and Thursday we're previewing the Transform 20/LIIFT hybrid which should be interesting.)  We grabbed our showers then I made my Annie's Organic Mac and Cheese.  It's less sodium, and you can tell, but eh, no one needs a buttload of sodium.  I decided to bring some BBQ chicken for me because I wasn't feeling ham this year.  The thought of my ring getting lodged on my finger for three days wasn't on my to-do list.
We stopped by the cemetery and ate maple cream eggs (grandma's favorite) with her before heading over to the family gathering.  Half the family wasn't there which stunk because their kids are lively and it's fun to watch them on holidays like this.  There's a new person in the fold and the Mr, and I aren't impressed.  Next.  We were there longer than I intended so we didn't get to go to a few places I wanted to go.  We did stop by the pet cemetery and put some flags on our pup/fur sis's graves, and this super raggedy mutt came flying toward us as we pulled in.  I got out, and pet and sweet talked it while the Mr turned the car around and came back so we could be facing the right way.  This poor thing was so neglected in the dental department.  Its teeth were broken and brown, and I could smell the breath without getting close to its face.  Poor lil thing.  It was the sweetest pup and hung out with us and walked all over the top of the gravestones with it's wet, dirty paws which cracked us up.  When we left, it headed back home.  We came home, chilled and the Mr is head bobbing as I type. 

Sorry, it wasn't a super exciting recap!  😕

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. I want a refund! The weekend was too fast. The only way to make up for it would be for this week to go fast and then slow down on Friday.

    1. I do too! (especially for the time we had to waste with unsavories.) I second that as well as long as we get this house in shape.

  2. My son came home on Friday with his girlfriend and their puppy. My dog always hides in a corner whenever this dog shows up but it wasn't too bad. My son help me fix some things around the house. We went out for pizza on Friday night to our favorite spot. We played some cards and I made them breakfast. I took the 2-hour track to my in-laws who lives south of the city. They are nice people, just not people I would choose as friends if I wasn't related to them.
    Normally I would drink from the moment I got to their house until I left. I rarely drink now and now I know why I used to do that. The strange thing about them is they are not really interested in my life or what I'm up to. I try to talk to every person and find out what's going on their life, ask them about their kids, their jobs kind of school, excetera. I notice not one person ask me one question about my life or my kids. It's really strange. I am grateful they keep me involved in their life somewhat in the eight years since Rich has died. But they are really weird people. Have a great week

    1. It sounds like you had a nice visit with your son and the pups played nice. :D I totally get you about people not asking about your life. We have several people like that despite pretending to be interested in their stuff (ie- hobbies or shows we do not have in common) and they do not reciprocate. Just know you're alone in the weird boat! ;-)

    2. Good to know! I tried not to internalize it but it's difficult

  3. Saturday I went to a meeting, then headed out to see my uncle. Got home, prepped lasagna, did laundry and dishes, and did some stuff around the house. Sunday, took the dogs for a long drive while the hubs vacuumed and ran to the store for lettuce and tomatoes. Then we mowed the lawn and the weather was perfect for it. I swept up mini crab apples from fall that revealed themselves after winter, and raked out leaves near the border by the house. Then we had Easter dinner which was really good and I finished laundry. Today I'm going to whack the bushes out front to even them out and give them a good haircut. LOL I'll be put through my paces at hydro so we'll see what my distance is today and if I hobble around later. LOL

    1. You were quite busy this weekend! If you'd like to come over and help me whip the house into shape, I wouldn't say no. :D


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