
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

I Did It Myself!

In the 10 years we've been working out regularly, we've had a small TV to do our workouts.  I'm talking for the majority of it, it's been a 19" TV because we just have one of those MDF shelves drilled into the studs.  It's worked but one irritating thing is when we're on the floor doing core work or chest presses and such, the screen on the tv darkens from the angle and you can't see.  I don't know if the Mr has that problem from his angle but I do from mine.  As we've cut live TV out of our lives the past 3 years, the 37" tv in the bedroom has gotten zero use.  I've always wanted to flip flop the two TV's so we have a big one in the place we actually use it almost daily.  I mentioned it once to see if the Mr was on board and he seemed to be but we never did it.  I wanted to do it myself and surprise the Mr but wasn't sure if I could get the zillion different plugs done the same way.  This is the Mr's domain and I was pretty sure I would get the TV's swapped out, try to get everything duplicated right and then the Beachbody on Demand wouldn't play and I'd have to have his help to finish it.

When I got up yesterday, I was determined to do it, looked at the stuff that needed unplugged, walked right past it and started my day.  Around noon, I was like "you can do this, just go."  I went up and saw it was really just 3 things that needed unplugged so I did that and carried it down to the basement.  I grabbed a bin and cleared off the shelf and gave it a good dusting.  (I knew the dust allergy countdown clock had begun at that point.)  I took the small TV and turned it sideways and stuck the big TV sideways beside it to see if I could make sense of the layout.  Of course, they were nothing alike and the one I was switching to wasn't labeled at all, unlike the small one.  I switched the audio cables first since the colors showed a pretty clear transfer.  Then I screwed in the auxiliary cable and antenna (no cable down there and it's where we are for tornados.)  I flipped the two HDMI cables for Chromecast and Amazon Firestick and took the small tv off the shelf.  I flipped the TV forward and there was no signal.  I ran up and grabbed the remote for it and flipped it to HDMI1, hit BOD on the tablet and boom, there was Joel Freeman telling me to get to it!  I literally squealed out loud and did a happy dance.  I don't know if anything else works but we only use it for workouts down there.  When I saw it, I got down on the floor to do a sit up and saw this:

So I will be able to see all workouts from the floor completely clear so I don't have to watch the Mr for my cues.  Almost double the size both ways!  WOOOOT!

I sat it on top of the DVD player like our old one and didn't feel confident it wouldn't eventually crush it.  I went out to the garage and found a piece of scrap wood to hopefully take the weight off of it.  I cut two pieces with a hacksaw and went down.  They fit underneath but of course, didn't take on any of the weight.  I grabbed $2 worth of quarters I cleared off of the shelf and stuck $.50 worth underneath on each end and it took the weight off of the DVD player. I know, janky but it just needs to work for now until we fix it permanently.

(You know dang well 10 years from now, they'll still be there.) 

I know it's stupid to be so proud of doing something so simple especially if you are a perfectly capable single lady that doesn't have someone that usually does those things for you.  But I'm tired of just taking something that is "his" thing and not even trying.  If I tried and failed, so what but I actually did it and he didn't have to do anything so he could see I was capable too.  I felt like a little kid telling their parent "I did it myself!"  😂

What have you done that is typically a "dude" thing and did it all by yourself?  (Or vice versa if you're the dude.)

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  1. Yay you! I replaced a window and thought I was a rockstar! I'm much more mechanically inclined than I thought. The entertainment center and all those cables though ugh

    1. Uh, changing out a window makes you a total rock star for sure! I'm just a roadie with my switch out but I'll take it! 😂

  2. I am so proud of you! It is a little scary when something outside of our comfort zones challenges us. Like if I get a technology related challenge I have no problem facing that. But if I get challenged in, say, cooking then it strikes fear into me. I was proud of myself when I first tried to make an omelette though - and I still try from time to time. Not saying that I make great ones, but they pass for an omelette at least :-)

    1. Yes, it is but that's what gives us confidence to keep trying and know we can do things we might assume is someone else's domain. You do make good omelettes!

  3. I have a recurring problem with a leaky bathtub faucet. It has to be fixed about once a year or so. I learned to do that myself.

    1. Get it girl!! Plus YouTube vids can be super helpful with stuff like that. Who needs a plumber?! ;-)

  4. I've changed out the plumbing in a toilet, the kitchen faucet, and can change tires on cars. That's about all that comes to mind. Can paint worth a lick though and have no desire to do it. LOL


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