
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Food Review: Tex Mex Jackfruit

We are carnivores.  We like our meats, yo but we're also down with switching things up from time to time.  There's this vlogger I've followed for a few years, and she went vegan about a year or two after I started watching her.  I always like watching her videos on what she eats because I'll take those ideas and see if they're something I can incorporate for us.  I saw her make these jackfruit tacos and rave about them so when I saw them in the store, I thought why not.

I have seen jackfruit many times in Hawaii but never actually tried it for some reason.  Oh yeah, it's expensive there.  I went into this with very neutral expectations because I'm a realist.  Here's a peek at the nutritional info.

The thought of having basically 1/3 cup of jackfruit instead of actual meat in tacos after the workouts we were doing, made me a bit skeptical.   How was this going to keep us full with less than 3g of protein?

Here are the heat and serving instructions.

It was easy enough to throw into the microwave all seasoned up and ready to roll.

I put it in a bowl and used two forks to shred it so it would be more like shredded chicken when I used it.  It's a little chunky if you don't.

I grilled up a few yellow corn tortillas and laid down some chipotle hummus, spinach, red onion, and the jackfruit.

I paired it up with some fresh salsa, and we dug in.  So how did it taste?

It was surprisingly meaty and had the mouthfeel of shredded meat.  The seasoning was pretty good, but it felt like it was missing something.  I don't know what it is but nothing I can't doctor up slightly.  What totally floored us is how full it kept us the rest of the night.  I mean just as long as meat does and I almost didn't want it to because I wanted to be like "HA!  SEE!!"

I would totally recommend trying them to see if you like it too.  One package is enough for two if you've got a nice healthy side to go with it or for one if you want to just do tacos alone.  We might try some other flavors too.  I don't know if it'll be in the weekly rotation, but it's sure nice to know we have another option when we want one.

Have you ever had jackfruit?

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  1. I was blown away by how full it made me. I agree there was just something a little bit lacking in the overall taste but I suppose that compared to tofu it is the best meat alternative in my book. I also know that it takes me a few times to get past the mind block I have in order to accept something like this before I can say I'm a fan. Same thing happened with beyond meat burgers for me, but after the third one I was like "I actually love these" so maybe the same thing will happen with jackfruit. We'll see, it does have potential.

  2. I've never tried it, but this looks worth trying if I see it in the store.

  3. I've never even heard about it. I have no idea what one looks like.


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