
Monday, November 5, 2018

Working Weekend

It was a working weekend for me.  I mean all weekend long.  After dinner Friday, I put in another 6 hour workday until 2am.  Then up and at it for 3 hours Saturday.  We took a break for lunch to try a new to us restaurant that was pretty good and make a stop at a few stores in a little town close to the restaurant and then it was back home and at it again.  Sunday, it was an all-day affair from morning to night before the weather changed and the light I needed was gone.  So literally with an "extra hour" from the time change, there were still not enough hours in the day. 

By the time I was done doing what I could yesterday, my ankles and legs were pretty locked, achy and throbbing.  The thought of doing a workout was truly the last thing I felt like I could do but I knew I had to.  I did a little stretching beforehand to try to unlock my ankle and we did WATP Firm 30 then my whole routine of PT, rolling and stretching for 30 minutes.  (affiliate link)  Thankfully, I made chili a few days ago so I just had to reheat it and some cornbread. 

Then it was time to settle in for what I've been looking forward to since July, Marrying Father Christmas on Hallmark channel with a nice cup of hot cocoa.  It was the perfect way to cap an otherwise busy non-existent weekend.

How did you spend your weekend?

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  1. You really busted your butt this weekend. I was lucky enough to taste some of the work so I can say it was worth it but I sure hope you can take a rest soon because you deserve it!

  2. I'm glad you treated yourself to a movie and hot cocoa after an exhausting weekend. That kind of self care is important.
    My weekend was quite busy with appointments, errands, and house stuff, but I'm happy to say I accomplished everything I wanted to. Starting laundry on Thursday really made a difference and I was thrilled to have none to do yesterday. Today I have a very busy morning of running more errands before going to my hydro session in the early afternoon. If it's not raining in the afternoon I'll be working in the yard pulling up the remaining weeds and trimming a way-overgrown oak tree in the backyard.

  3. The boy had a boy scout "thing" on Saturday so I dropped him off at 4am (yes, 4 am) and he didn't get back in town until about 10 at night. I worked a couple hours in the concession stand later in the morning and then took a nap and read a book. Yesterday was laundry and house work, and paperwork... ugh. I have a class next Saturday so it'll feel like a no-weekend weekend, but I will feel like I accomplished something and it's a class I'm really looking forward to.


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