
Friday, November 23, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #47

Happy Black Friday everyone!  How was your holiday?  Are you still in a food coma or ready for round three?  😋   We had a lovely gathering with my grandpa's wife Tuesday night.  She took us out to dinner where we talked for two hours.  Then she came back to our place (aka- Christmas Central) where she stayed two more hours while we opened gifts.  We talked about my grandpa and she talked about some personal things I never knew.  I can't convey how nice it was to have that time with her.  We talked about things that would never have been said at the family gathering so I consider it a blessing.  I really feel like my grandpa was happy especially since the Mr had a dream about him a few days prior out of nowhere.  We'll have to have her over more.  One thing about her, that woman tells it like it is.  LOL

Oh yeah!  Here's your first notice that I'm doing my annual "share your holiday spirit" post mid-December.  I know some will be decorating this weekend for whatever holiday you celebrate.  So if you'd like your tree, holiday decor or a pic of your favorite traditions shared, Facebook message me or email me:  mrs{at}successalongtheweigh{dot}com.  Feel free to share any stories or meaning behind what you're sharing.  Deadline is December 10th.  Remember, some of y'all asked for this on FB!  Lookin' at you Marisa, Dawn and Donna!  😁

I suspect a light crowd today so for you hardcore folks, let's jump into...

You Burn the Most Calories at This Time of Day, New Study Shows  (Pretty small study but still interesting.)

My Body Size Does Not Determine My Ability  (Preach sistah.)

20 Ways to Beat Post-Holiday Weight Gain  (Good tips to get back on track.)

11 Simple Habits That Relieve Holiday Stress and Anxiety  (Get ready y'all!)

8 Secrets to a Debt-Free Holiday Season  (Great ideas!)

40 Ways to Recover From Thanksgiving  (Um, sunset is like 5pm so I won't be doing that one.)

21 Amazing Things That Happen to Your Body When You Eat Bananas  (Every day yo)

This Is Why 350 Degrees Is Your Oven's Magic Temperature   (Fire up the oven, it's baking season!)

This Hallmark Christmas Movie Drinking Game Officially Wins the Holidays  (Tis the season to be pickled in 13 minutes.)

50 Outdoor Christmas Decorations That'll Get You Feeling All Festive  (Yes, please!)

Tomorrow is the one day the Mr claims for live football so we have an app fest since I'm all baked out and it should be a low key weekend in the scheme of things.  No way in hell I'm going shopping especially since I'm done.

What are y'all up to this weekend?  Anyone Black Friday shopping today?

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  1. While I have to work today, I'm hoping for a light crowd there too. Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. I worked retail in an outlet mall for 5 years. Wild horses couldn't drag me to a store today. Going to enjoy the Kurt Russell Christmas movie on netflix and chill today.

  3. I took a drive out to the apple orchard for one last time this season since they close on Sunday (and it's in the opposite direction of the stores way out in the boondocks, so it was perfect). Then I came home and took the dogs with me to a couple of banks and to get gas so I'm good to go for next week. We are due to get snow on Sunday, so I'm taking advantage of the dry ground right now to romp around with the dogs. Have a super weekend!!

  4. Glad you had such a nice visit! And we started our decorating this weekend so I'll be sure to join in the festivities of sharing our decorations!


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