
Friday, November 2, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #44

Welcome to the first Friday of November, y'all.  

It's been a long week and I think the weather has had something to do with that.  We were only able to get out to walk one day this week and I wasn't smart about it.  We walked two miles then 30 minutes later did 30 minutes of HIIT and my legs have been letting me have it ever since.  That plus trying to get some work stuff done has made it feel like one of those "not enough hours in the day" kinda weeks.

But enough about all of that, let's work into...

10 Ways You Might Be Giving Away Your Personal Power Without Even Realizing It  (This was a real eye opener for me but thankfully some don't apply anymore.)

Why Is My Shoulder Blade Grinding, Popping, and Feeling Achy?  (Interesting stuff if you have shoulder issues.)

How To Fix Foot Pain   (Excellent article)

8 Habits That Are Worse for You Than You Think  (Well bust my buttons.)

9 Things Only Type A People Will Understand   (Not that treadmill thing, I don't care if you're "first" on the road to nowhere.)

These 9 Signs Prove It's Time For You to Take a Rest Day (or Two)   (I know I've felt this way sometimes.)

2 yoga moves you can do at your desk to ease neck and back tightness  (*bends forward*)

'Bridezilla' secretly fattens up her bridesmaids before her wedding to be 'center of attention'  (Um, wow.)

15 Cleaning Secrets Only Car Detailers Know  (For the Mr but you can read it too.)

Since we didn't get to leaf peep last weekend, I'd like to get out and see some color this weekend.  I've got some comfort food on the menu for tomorrow night with meatloaf and mashed taters.  Other than that, not really sure.

What are y'all into this weekend?

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  1. Ugh, finally Friday! This week has dragged for me a bit. Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. I'm going to a meeting for about thirty minutes, then heading off to get my hair done. I have a feeling the hubs will have to work tomorrow as he's been called in to work at 5am every day, so it's been 10 hour days for him. If that's the case I'll do the grocery shopping after my hair appointment. I'm ahead in the laundry dept, so I'm happy about that. ND plays tomorrow night so I'll be all over that. Sunday morning will be a walk at the park with my pooches before football. Then it's taking care of bills for November and getting some cleaning done.

    I hope you can relax and enjoy a leaf-filled weekend and your legs untangle from the long week. Get a nap in if you can too!! xoxo


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