
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Thanksgiving This or That

Can you believe we are officially halfway through the month??  I'm panicking y'all!  It is almost midnight and I have been buried in work so I don't have anything super exciting to report.

So how about we do a Thanksgiving fun "this or that" poll instead?

White or dark meat?

Mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes?

Stuffing or dressing in your neck of the woods?

Pumpkin or apple pie?

Make your dish from scratch or buy from the store?

Football or Christmas movies on the tube?

Family- Love spending time with them, tolerate them or I purposely ask to work so I can skip it altogether.

Blow off Thanksgiving evening to shop, shop on Black Friday or Pssht, I'm done!

Looking forward to your answers and if your choice isn't listed, be sure to list it in your comment!

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  1. White AND dark meat
    Pumpkin AND apple pie
    Scratch - thanks to you!
    Christmas movies when we can get the TV away from the NFL watching family members, which we tolerate most of the time.
    Shopping is done!

  2. White, but I think I'm doing an "everything but the bird" Thanksgiving this year.

    Both mashed and sweet

    Either - stuffing if it's in the bird, dressing if not.

    Both - love pie

    Mostly make, but buy if I I'm running late

    Usually the tv is off, or I rent a movie for after.

    Love spending time with family, but also kinda get a little crazy around them.

    I haven't shopped, but I won't be venturing out for Black Friday. No way, no how.

  3. -White... thinking about making a turkey breast this year!
    -Mashed potatoes! The first time I tried sweet potatoes were a few years ago, and I am in my mid 30s. My family never made them growing up!
    -Dressing with a lot of sage! (Homemade!!!)
    -Chocolate Pie
    -A combination of store bought and homemade.
    -We watch the Macy's parade, and then football is usually on
    -My family doesn't do a lot of get togethers around Thanksgiving, and I am okay with that :)
    -I love Black Friday shopping...not for sure if I am going or shopping online this year.

  4. White & dark meat
    Mashed potatoes (do not like sweet at all)
    Hmmm...I like both, but probably go more for pumpkin this time of year
    Football all the way =o)
    Too complicated to answer -- LOL!!
    Don't do any shopping on Friday (and typically don't leave the house much)

  5. Both white and dark meat.
    Mashed potatoes for sure.
    Neither - PECAN PIE
    All homemade.
    We also watch the Macy's parade - it's the official start of the holiday season! Football and then Christmas movies that night with a turkey and dressing sandwich....
    Love being together with family.
    Shopping is done - now I need to wrap everything.

  6. Both white and dark
    Mashed potatoes so you can dip your turkey in it!
    Dressing! We have regular and (being in the PNW) oyster dressing.
    Pumpkin Pie
    All made from scratch
    If our team (Seahawks) is playing we watch that but usually watch Hallmark Christmas movies.
    Our family all gets along. I have different political views than the rest of the family and just tune out the political talk if it comes up.
    Sometimes we'll shop on Friday night when there are still some good deals and way less people. The last time I went at midnight was horrible and probably will never do that again.

  7. White meat please!
    Mashed taters with lots of gravy AND a helping of delicious candied sweet potatoes!
    Dressing, since I make a big pan full and don't bother with "stuffing" the turkey. The dressing, again with lots of turkey gravy is my favorite Thanksgiving dish!
    Pumpkin Pie
    A mix of homemade and store bought. Some things can be from the store and it doesn't matter taste-wise and I'm all about saving labor since I get NO help!
    Nebraska plays the day after T-Giving. But with 3 sobs and a football fan husband there will probably be a game on the TV. I'd prefer a Hallmark Christmas movie.
    Love my family and spending time with them, especially the grandkids, is the BEST part of all the holidays!!
    No shopping on Thanksgiving or Black Friday. I hate crowds.


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