Well I'm about 4 days into my at home therapy exercises. To recap, I have no ass muscles. Oh don't get me wrong, I do Sir Mix A Lot proud but as far as anything resembling strength there...zilch. Oh and my inner leg muscles and the front of my legs...basically dead inside as well. *kicks pebble*
Last Friday I got my first two at home PT exercises to do.
Gastrocnemius Stretch (aka Calf Stretch)
Yesterday, she gave me two new ones to add to the mix.
Arch Raises
This is a stability exercise. I am to sit in a chair and slightly scrunch my toes to raise the arch but making sure to keep the ball of my feet on the ground. I have to hold it for 10 seconds. So I do 15 of these per leg in each set, hold for 10 seconds and do 3 rounds. So yeah, that's 90 of those as well per day. I have to watch it though because my arch has been cramping on me and I've had to graston my arch to try to dig out the adhesion and it does feel better after I do that. She mentioned she could dry needle it for me but it's like "woman, I need to be able to walk, yo!" So I might go that route if digging at it warrants me nothing. But in the meantime this should strengthen my arch to help provide stability as I walk.
Ankle Eversion
I have to do this sitting with either a towel, a sock on or I used a paper plate so the surface would slide easier. The ankle is turning outward as far as possible while keeping the foot on the floor. I think I do this one 15x for 3 sets twice a day. She said it will engage my inner leg muscles which are seriously lacking and these too will help build stability as I walk. I can already feel both of these in the front of my ankle and that is an area that has always needed strengthening despite the fact my left ankle can lock out mobility wise.
I won't lie, this process is tedious and the Mr (who is doing PT with me voluntarily) and I already groan when it's time to do it. We do it in the morning and then again after our workouts when the muscles are warmed up. I also make sure I use the vibration board
It's the beginning of a new path in my healing and despite feeling like a voodoo doll after every session and the hard work I'm going to have to put in, I have to believe this is going to be better in the long run. I just have to be patient despite not having much left after the long journey I've already been on.
What physical therapy exercise have you ever done? Do you continue to do them?
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I am doing these with you not just for support but also because it seems to me that we all can benefit from them so it is wise to do daily. I admit that twice per day is a lot but it should definitely help speed recovery!
ReplyDeleteI have had to do PT exercises for my neck and shoulders. I've been in multiple low impact car accidents that seem to have had a lasting effect. It also doesn't help that I work in front of a computer most days. I don't do the specific exercises consistently once my PT dismisses me from treatment. However, I do keep them in my arsenal if I start getting twinges of pain. Usually resuming the exercises for a short time and adjusting my regular fitness routine to better strengthen those muscles halts the pain and I don't need to resume PT sessions. I have problems when I get lazy in general, stop working out, and stop paying attention to my posture while seated.
ReplyDeleteI do the calf stretch one you should, along with two others. The first is the "scrunchy towel" which is to help with plantar fasciitis as well as arch support, where you lay a towel on the floor and using your toes, scrunch is under your feath and kind of "walk" the towel until your toes reach the end. The second is using a stretchy band that's ties so you have just a round loop. I put both feet in that and using one foot, turn it outward to stretch the band, then alternate to the other foot. I was told to do this, especially for my left foot which is "floppy" to help build strength so when I have my feet up they'll actually both sit up straight instead of the left one flopping inward.