Friday, August 19, 2016

What I'm Reading This Week #33

It's been a long, busy week.   I am ready for the weekend, yo!

Let's jump right into...

The Secret to Grilling Flavorful Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts  (Sometimes it feels a little redundant)

What You Need To Know About the New GMO Labeling Law  (Good info)

5 Foods that Slow Your Metabolism  (Well one of those is a big pisser for me...apples.  I've only been able to find organic pink ladies a handful of times)

What’s New at Trader Joe’s This Month  (Hmm, not impressed, they better not have yanked some of my usuals!)

6 Cleaning Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Stuff  (I read this and then proceeded to accidentally knock over about a tablespoon or so of vinegar on my granite.  *face palm*)

The Optimal U.S. National Parks Centennial Road Trip  (Flippin' awesome!  Wish we could take a few months off to do this!)

Kindergarten teacher sends student note nearly 30 years later   (My heart!  Such a cutie!)

How to Prepare for Old Age When You Don’t Have Kids  (Very good info for people like us)

She ‘loved life:’ A grieving father wrote openly about suicide and mental illness in daughter’s obituary  (This is heartbreaking but this message NEEDS to be heard)

Amulets With 'Binding Spells' Found at 2,000-Year-Old Roman Burial Site  (Holy crap, didn't Katrina do this to Ichabod on Sleepy Hollow)

Ina Garten's New Park Avenue Home Has More Than Just A Great Kitchen   (It's faaabulous)

This Is What Happens When A Roomba Meets A Pile Of Dog Poop At 1:30 AM  (This is hilarious!  Well, because it's not me.)

45 Fall-Flavored Things You Need to Get Your Hands On  (The list is finally out!!)

Nothing planned for the weekend, I don't think.  Lots of business stuff to take care of in the coming weeks so I'm sure that'll creep in.  No one likes a working weekend.  Pffft.

What are y'all into this weekend?

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  1. Happy Friday everyone! Been a busy week for me and I am glad it's almost over with so we can chill for the weekend.

  2. Oh my stars, the fall list -- I'd eat about 80% of what's on there! Yum!! I've had a few items and they were darn good so happy to see them on the list.

    We had a torrential downpour a little while ago, but the sun is coming out now and hopefully some wind with it so I can attempt to cut the lawn. I wanted to do it this morning but it rained last night, so I couldn't do it. Now it looks like it'll be closer to 3pm before I can attempt it. It may be a lost cause until Sunday, but I'm hoping I can get it over with today so my weekend is free. Why I need it to be free I have no idea because I have no plans. LOL!

    Have a great one! xoxo


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