Friday, August 12, 2016

What I'm Reading This Week #32

What's shakin' cutie patooties?  In case no one has told you today, you look pretty friggin' amazing in that outfit.  It makes your butt look like you could bounce a quarter off of it!

But enough of my showering you with praise, let's get to...

Our Sedentary Lifestyles Cost About 5 Million Lives A Year  (But there's good news!)

Quotes That Honor and Celebrate Your Weight-Loss Journey  (In case you need some verbal oomph)

The Reason One Woman Is Not Removing the Excess Skin Leftover From Her Weight Loss  (I tend to agree.  I'm not at goal weight and who knows if that thought will change or not but I have two people I love that got that done and both have nerve damage from it.  When you remove excess skin, you're also removing nerves.  If you go that route, be prepared for it.)

20 Fitness Hacks   (Get on it!)

50 Things to Throw Out Now (and How to Dispose of Them)  (Excellent resource!)

10 Charts That Will Make You a Better Cook  (These are awesome!)

This Is What It's Really Like to Be on HGTV's "Fixer Upper"  (If I lived anywhere near there, I'd sign up!)

Federal Officials Seek To Stop Social Media Abuse Of Nursing Home Residents  (It's @SSHOLES like this that keep families like mine from getting necessary care for their loved ones.  If I saw a pic of my Grandma on social media by a care worker, Hell would not have me when I was done with them.  PASS THIS INTO LAW!!!!)

9 Mother of the Groom (And Bride!) Horror Stories  (I had to laugh at the first one because it reminded me of my own wedding.  Sixty seconds after becoming a Mrs, the Mr's mom shot up the aisle and whispered in my ear under the guise of a hug so that no one would hear it..."he will always be my baby!"  It was not cute or said in jest.  If you throw down the gauntlet, be prepared for the consequences!)

"Why haven't you had kids yet?"  (Word!  That's nowhere near my reasons but a nice reminder)

The Vacation Survival Guide: 38 Possible Travel Disasters (and How to Avoid Them)  (Ignore some of the stupid ones and take in the ones that could actually help.)

Tim Curry Endorsed FOX’s THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Remake  (October 20th!  The ONLY reason I'm watching is because he's going to be the narrator.  It's just a jump to the left...)

Winona Ryder Calls Out This Sexist Attitude Toward Mental Health  (Go Winnie!)

10 Things Everyone Should Know About Depression  (I can't believe it's been 2 years)

Here's a Delightful Mash-Up of Dance Scenes From '80s Movies  (I was thrilled to see my favorite dance movie Stayin' Alive was used a few times.  Try not to boogie and smile during this!)

Not real sure what's on tap for the weekend.  I know the weekend nights will be filled with the Mr playing "No Man's Sky."  I may never see him again.  Gamer widow.

What are you into this weekend?

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  1. The social media abuse of nursing home patients got my attention. My uncle who had Alzheimer's and was in an assisted living facility was on a campaign commercial for someone running for congress. My sister showed him the commercial and he couldn't believe it was him. They ran the commercial for 2 campaigns and it really irritated my mother - my uncle had NO idea what was going on when they filmed the commercial. He's running for re-election this year, and fortunately he has a new commercial because Mom was going to complain if she saw it again.

    1. Uh...I'm not litigious but I believe they need to sign a release before being filmed especially if it is not out in public and is in a care facility. There may be a case if your mom wants to at least put it out there. I would be tempted to tweet the congressman's name saying "you don't plan exploiting my brother/uncle without his permission in your commercials again, do you?" I'm not telling you to, mind you, but that's right where my mind would go if I found myself in the same situation. That is just disgusting!

  2. As usual, lots of good reads! The "why haven't you had kids yet" really hit home with me - people can be so rude!!! Mind your own bees wax is what I say! Have a great weekend - we're in high humidity hell here in Boston....ugh....

    1. Yes, they can especially when they have no idea the myriad of reasons people choose not to have them. Then if you don't you're called a child hating monster. To which I reply "as long as your children aren't monsters themselves, I have no reason to hate them but if they are, it's a reflection of how crappy of a parent YOU are. Good day!" ;-) Try not to melt over there!

  3. Great links. I love that dance montage that was so well done! Off to explore another universe for a bit and thanks for understanding :-)

  4. Great reads!! The one about the kids made me giggle when I remember an incident with someone whom I did not know well at all. She asked how long I'd been married, then looked aghast when I said how long when she realized we did not have kids. She asked why not, so I turned to her and said, "How many times a week do you have sex?" She gaped at me and said, 'What? That's not appropriate to ask such a question!' And in turn I said, "Oh, I thought that's what we were doing here, asking inappropriate questions." She stormed off -- priceless!! I still get a little beat-red remembering that because it was a like the needle on the record scoring across it and the whole area just looked at me. But it was worth it! LOL

  5. My y9oungest son is getting married in October. NOW I have some great ideas on how I can mess up their special day. LOL! But, really your MIL telling you "He will always be my baby," is a little endearing. Because that's how I feel too, especially about this youngest one (even though he's 30!)

    1. You may think it but please don't say it. It was not endearing or said in a sweet tone. All it does is set up a stage for conflict where the son is in middle and feels like he has to choose sides between the two most important women in his life. It was NOT a fun way to start off our marriage.


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