Monday, August 1, 2016

Monkey wrench of a weekend

Happy August all!  Can you believe that?

Sooo...the weekend had a bit of a snag thrown into it.

I went in for my treatment with the chiro and he's as frustrated as I am.  He tried to allow me to do my normal routine the first week.  The second week, he pulled me off of lunges and squats to see how that did.  Not well.  While my muscles are no longer entangled in the demon that was the huge mountain on my calf, the problem has moved to the weight bearing muscles in the side and front and they are constantly tugging at each other.  So because my exercise routine is basically making this a two steps forward, one step back situation...I've been yanked off of anything other than walking and upper body strength.  Actually when I mentioned some plans that were going to require walking most of the day, he really seemed to cringe.  He told me I needed to stop to rest every hour and the second I got back I needed to ice...this was not a suggestion and he said I was going to feel it.  It scared me enough to put my health before fun.

He has come up with a new plan of attack that will include pulling out a mega ultrasound that goes deeper than the laser but it doesn't move the scar tissue out of the body like a laser does.  So he wants me to go the day before my next massage and is speaking to the LMT to make sure she understands how he wants her to massage me.  No exorcising demon knots but stripping the muscles with the intent of aiding what he breaks up with the ultrasound.  I asked him point blank, am I dealing with Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome again.  He said no.  He said we're not dealing with the nerve issues and numbness and he feels the nerve flossing through the tunnel.  He looked me in the eyes and said "we are getting out ahead of this and I have every confidence you are going to recover from this, it's just being stubborn."  When he gets serious like that and he gets determined, I feel like I can believe him.  He is dedicated to healing people and he said we've got a couple of other options which he didn't go into at the time.  He is not only sensing my aggravation but is seeing with every visit that there is no pain relief and I know that frustrates him into kicking things into high gear.  I trust him implicitly.

We passed a little carnival so we decided "fair food" sounded like a good change of pace for high cal day.  I was happy to see mini elephant ears at a vendor since they were always a carnival favorite.

Lord, I remember back in the day (as a kid even) I used to eat a normal sized one but this was plenty and scratched that itch for a year.  Sadly, anything else we tried was just kind of gross and we ended up throwing some stuff away.  We did end up walking a lot more than I planned on that day, about 3-4 hours, and my hips were all outta whack even with rests.  I went home and strapped on the ice packs and iced my feet.  We did some glute stretches and stuff and just tried to relax the muscles.  Later things got really tight but the next day I didn't feel quite as crappy as I did the day before so that's good.

We got some work done yesterday and had to hit the grocery for a produce refill.  I noticed the first of the next season starting to peek in.

That's right y'all...brace up...pumpkin spice season is getting ready to kick off earlier than you think!

We did an upper body workout a little later than I wanted to but glad to get it in.  A little whole wheat pasta with chicken for dinner and finished up some stuff.  Trying to get ready for the week but I'm behind on meal planning.  Womp womp.

But I guess it's us and Leslie Sansone this week.  If it means I actually heal, she can be my BFF.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. Yeah it was a bit of a letdown this weekend. We might have to do a road trip where we just pick a place we haven't been and go and see what we can get into there.

  2. I live in Oshkosh WI, home of the EAA. I was able to watch fighter jets fly over my house all weekend, loud and totally cool. The cat was not a fan. We saw the Canada Snow Birds fly over in formation, and we got to see the night airshows where the planes have fireworks going off the wings of the plane. What more could you want than night acrobatics with sparks! And now that its over, all 100,000 of my extra friends went home and I can take my normal route to work again. :)

  3. I'm glad your chiro is really being forthright and working hard to give you some relief. That fact that he's already thinking of alternatives is a great sign that he's all in. Not too often do we find doctors who are like that so you have a keeper indeed!

    Weekend was very good. Got all my chores done yesterday so I didn't have any work to do on Sunday. Took my long drive, then we ran an errand, then it was home and relaxation for me. I even got in a 2-hour nap while the hubs was out walking the dogs. And the weather wasn't too bad. This week is a different story though -- already the humidity is creeping up and today was supposed to be the "nice" day. Pfft.


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