Friday, June 17, 2016

What I'm Reading This Week #24

It's Friday y'all, can I get a booty pop?  (Booty pop dance...I didn't mean fart.)

On that classy note, let's get right to...

The Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes Are Pretty Amazing  (I know I love 'em!  Funny...didn't used to as a kid)

10 Ways to Cope With Anxiety  (Might try a few)

The 6 Stretches Everyone Who Sits at a Desk Should Be Doing  (Please excuse me, I need to stretch)

We asked a dietitian what anyone who wants to start eating healthier should do — here are his 3 best tips  (Pretty common sense but still)

How To Get Back On Track After Losing Sight Of A Goal  (Will do)

Making the Most of Life Experiences  (Still learning)

Here's What Happened When I Actually Quit Complaining for 21 Days  (Might give this a try...when all the payments/deposits are returned.  Until then, I still have something to complain about.  :-P  )

19 Workouts to Help You Become Your Strongest Self  (Flex dem biceps)

The FDA approved a weight-loss device that sucks food out of your stomach  (The Mr and I would joke about needing a "release valve" for those times we overindulged to discomfort.  Now that it's actually here and is basically a barf machine, I think we'll pass.)

What to Do When Your Flight is Cancelled  (Aww, I feel so special we were in the 1.59%!)

New Bill Passed to Reduce Long TSA Security Lines   (I'll believe it when I see it.  When you're in a 30-40 minutes security line at non peak time in a smaller Hawaiian airport, you know there's a problem.  Yet people still show up 30 minutes before their flight and get mad when people won't let them ditch.  Sorry, some of us show up 2 hrs prior for a reason.)

Facebook Offers Tools for Those Who Fear a Friend May Be Suicidal  (Good to know!)

The First Sign Of Alzheimer’s May Not Be What You Think  (Are you guilty?)

8 Keepsake Crafts That Honor the Memory of Loved Ones  (Really sweet ideas to keep those who have passed close to you.  I'd like to add Project Repat.  They make a quilt from shirts if you're not sewing inclined.  Sign up for their newsletter and get 15% off)

Before & After: An RV to Call Home  (Wow!  For that RV, I might be willing to dump my own crap at one of the RV parks!)

The Annoying Way Facebook Is Forcing People to Download Its New App  (Oy.  It does one good thing with the suicide thing and then goes right back to being shady ol' Facebook.)

17 Clear Signs You Were Raised Right  (Amen!)

Harrison Ford: I Can't Get Away From That ''Damn'' Indiana Jones Theme Music  (Doo da doo da dooooooooooooooooo!  For the Mr.)

I believe it's supposed to be gross hot again this weekend.  I'm hoping maybe with some breezes?  It stinks because we had some storms the other night and it ripped down my heavy new guinea impatient hanging basket...right onto my peas and beans.  Fingers crossed they're resilient?

On a good note, we got our payment from the travel insurance place reimbursing us for the extra expenses that American screwed us on.  If you buy plane tickets, GET THE TRAVEL INSURANCE!  Yes, you may not need it but when you do, you are glad you paid for it!

What are you guys up to this weekend?

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  1. TGIF! Hope everyone has a great weekend. I sure intend to!

  2. I have the paw print shadow box from our first dog and I love it. It's hanging in my bedroom and there's something about seeing his paw print every day that comforts me. I like the quilt idea and I still have the links we talked about with the jewelry and the cutting board with the recipes. I plan on doing something at Christmas for a couple of her friends with a couple of those.

    I have a double graduation party to go to in the 'burbs tomorrow and it's going to be a scorcher. I'll be wearing my fun capri pants, and hopefully the heat and humidity won't have my ankles pooling with fluid while I wear sandals for the first time since I was a kid. =o) Yesterday was gorgeous with a strong breeze and only in the 70's. Today, not so much.

    Enjoy your weekend and stay cool! xoxoxo

  3. I went onto the Project Repat site - I love it! Sending all my hubby's bowling shirts ASAP for a 10th anniversary present. Thanks for all the great links. Have a great weekend!


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