Friday, May 29, 2015

Gearin' up for grillin' and what I'm reading this week

Well, it's been a long, week and I'm ready for the weekend.

Let's get right to it and see...

16 Kitchen Skills Every Home Chef Must Know  (I knew quite a few and learned a few things)

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s Wedding Surprise!  (Very cool!)

When Things in Your Pantry Will Actually Expire  (Good stuff to know)

6  Ways to Make Your Deodorant and Anti-Perspirant Work Harder  (I never thought of some of these but I'm definitely doing the hairline thing when we're out with others in the summer)

The 21 Germiest Places You're Not Cleaning  (Ugh, apparently we're just surrounded by disease 24/7 and it's a wonder we're all still alive!)

Can't Get a Grip on Your Diet? Follow These 13 No-Cheat Recommendations  (Duly noted)

9 Tips that Make Tiny Backyards Feel Bigger  (Even the "tiny" yards in this are twice the size of mine!)

You're Doing it Wrong: How to Get the Most Out of Your Food  (Who knew?)

Skin Cancer: Why You Need to Get That Mole Checked (Maybe Twice)  (This is kind of terrifying)

Melissa McCarthy Says Malls "Segregate" Plus-Size Women's Clothing Stores, but "People Don't Stop at Size 12"  (I'm interested to see what her line will look like but I have to say some of her pattern choices in the past haven't been flattering.  Lord knows it'll be better than Target's line)

Nail Every Goal You Set: The Best Advice You've Probably Never Heard  (Good advice)

20 Awesome Facts About the Golden Gate Bridge  (Missing San Fran)

I Fooled Millions Into Thinking Chocolate Helps Weight Loss. Here's How.  (Courtesy of the Mr.  It's pretty long but basically why I don't really rely on anything more than common sense when it comes to food trends.  We eat a few squares of dark chocolate a few times a week not because someone told us we should but because we like it and enjoy it in moderation.  But this is a great example of how the media passes along crap because they need content, not because they researched to see if it's actually true.)

Bill Paxton Reminisces About 15 Key Roles   (We quote Bill quite often.  "You're stewed, buttwad"  "You took 'er ya damn thief!")

I, along with the rest of the country, am stoked to get in more grilling.  It's grocery weekend so I'll be perusing ads today to get the most for our moolah.  I think I inspired myself to get to World Market after our video and we picked up some Hawaiian goodies so we can have people over for cookouts this summer.  I'm in the mood for chicken kebobs so I'm thinking huli huli chicken and some veggies between rainstorms.  I also ordered some stone ground yellow grits from Charleston and I'll be testing my version of shrimp and cheese grits soon.  I just want to find the perfect cheese for my inaugural go.

What's on tap for y'all this weekend?

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  1. I am loving the grilling. More is a wonderful thing! Got some more great links to read. Happy Friday everyone!

  2. Got to get the swamp cooler up and going between rainstorms. It's been cold enough that I just barely turned off the heat, but next week the temps are supposed to start climbing. Probably I will grill something, but I don't know what yet. I'll pick up my bountiful baskets basket tomorrow, and try to figure out next week's meals based on what veggies turn up in the basket. Yep, I'm boring.

  3. Cycling tomorrow am and lunch w/ a cousin. Definitely some time on the deck grilling :-)

  4. I'm praying for a quiet weekend with no phone calls since I'm on-call again. I'm in a foul mood this fine Friday, so beyond wanting to grumpily go to sleep, I can't say I have much planned. A friend wanted to meet up for breakfast and I'm just not in the mood. She emails me a day before and expects me to do it, so I put her off for a week. I just need to be by myself in my own crap. =o)


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