Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Fun Poll

I had no time to read this week so we're going to do something different this week.  A fun poll!

This is a high school edition.

Let's get started!

Do you still keep in touch with your high school friends?  

I still keep in touch with one and I keep in touch with one I've known since 3rd grade.

What social clique were you in?

I was what I considered a neutral.  I could say hello to anyone in any clique but felt better hanging around people who didn't belong to typical cliques.

What was your favorite subject?


What was your least favorite subject?


What movie does your high school experience most closely resemble?

To some degree Sixteen Candles.  The girl who is pining after some dude out of her league while a dude she doesn't notice pines after her.  I didn't get the Jake Ryan in my school but I got my version since I went to prom with the Mr and the rest is history.

Did you ever get caught passing notes in class?  Were they folded a particular way?

I got caught a few times but thankfully never had to read them in front of the class.  I had several ways to do fancy folds and still have a box of them.

What was your first car and did you get your license while in high school or afterward?

An old Chevy junker we got at an auto auction that lasted me about 2 years before it pooped out.  It actually gave my mechanic nightmares.  I got my license when I was 16, passed on the first try.

Were you the one driving your friends around or being driven?

Oh I was always the one driving and since gas was cheap then, I was driving ALL OVER TOWN.  I should bill those people for all the times I drove and never got a red cent.

What form did you listen to your music in your first car...8 tracks, cassettes, CD's, mp3 player, radio or didn't have music so you had to sing.


What posters did you have hanging on your wall?

Poison, Slaughter, Enuff Znuff, Pretty Boy Floyd, London Quireboys, Black Crowes and Billy Idol.  I was big into hair bands, obviously.  Met all of them too.

What colors were your bedroom/furniture?

Black, white and red.  Looking back, it was pretty bordello-ish.

Do you go to reunions?

Nope.  The few people I'd care to see don't go either.

Your turn, pick as few or as many questions that you want to answer and post 'em in the comments!

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  1. Do you still keep in touch with your high school friends?

    I married the best one :) The rest are FB friends.

    What social clique were you in?

    Band, although I had friends in all groups.

    What was your favorite subject?

    Algebra. Love math :)

    What was your least favorite subject?


    Did you ever get caught passing notes in class? Were they folded a particular way?

    a few times - but privacy was kept in tact :)
    Yea - I folded them a certain way - with the end tucked-in.

    What was your first car and did you get your license while in high school or afterward?

    Got my license at 16 and drove a used Buick. It was sweet :)

    Were you the one driving your friends around or being driven?

    Since I was always with my Mr., he did most of the driving.

    What form did you listen to your music in your first car...8 tracks, cassettes, CD's, mp3 player, radio or didn't have music so you had to sing.

    Yea, I'm a bit older - 8 tracks

    What posters did you have hanging on your wall?

    Cutesy posters with poems or lyrics on them.

    What colors were your bedroom/furniture?

    Full out hippie-type flowers in the bright colors

    Do you go to reunions?

    Nah. I'd rather be with my Mr and our kids and grandkids :)

  2. I only have contact with one high school friend, and only the barest of touch these days.

    I was kind of outside all the cliques, but I had friends in most. If anything I was like Ally Sheedy in Breakfast Club - but a little less weird.

    History was my favorite subject - go figure, I teach social studies.

    Match was my least favorite, the one I just couldn't "get".

    I'm not sure that the movie of my high school career has been produced yet. I'll keep watching and let you know.

    I never got caught, but I did have some special folding going on. I was actually thinking about this a couple weeks ago and lamenting the lost art of note folding in this generation due to texting.

    My first car was a diesel VW Rabbit. It burned oil, overheated constantly, and had to have a running start to get up the big hill by my parents' house. Man I loved that car. It had a tape deck, but I usually just listened the the radio really loud.

    I had Bon Jovi and Kirk Cameron posters. 'nuff said.

    My room had dark blue carpet and light blue walls. Otherwise it didn't really have a color theme, unless random counts as a theme.

    No reunions for me. If I don't talk to those people now, why would I pay to go spend an evening with them?


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