
Friday, March 13, 2015

Putting it behind me and what I'm reading this week

I am so ready for the weekend.

It's been a week full of medical crap from the CT scan results, my final visit with the chiro for my leg issue (dang that session felt good too!) and today I'm having an allergy panel done.  If nothing else, I'd like to know what I'm allergic to.  Since I can't do steroids or antihistamines due to reactions, my only option would be shots and I'm not sure how I feel about that.  But if that's what will kick this final bout of inflammation to the curb, stick me!  We also get to have a plumber come out today.  The Mr smelled gas by the hot water heater again (we already had one gas leak with that thing) so he sprayed with soap and water and found a small leak on an old joint that's about 19 years old.  So hopefully it won't be much out of pocket since it just needs tightened.

But enough about that stuff, let's get to...

10 Reasons You Can’t Lose Your Gut  (Duly noted)

6 Yoga Poses to Beat Back Pain ASAP  (I hope this can help my back pull from earlier this week!)

25 Of The Best Foods For Fiber  (Mmm, fiber)

What to Know About Milk Paint and Chalk Paint — and How to Use Them  (Love chalk paint, just wish it wasn't so expensive)

33 Low-Sugar Recipes That Are Totally Sweet!  (Yum!)

How To Make Your Own Damn Shamrock Shake With Only 7 Ingredients  (54 ingredients in the McD's version!??!  You've gotta be kidding me!)

Keeping Your Hair in Chemo  (Interesting and hope the cost can come down)

9 Most Romantic Cities In The South  (Road trip!)

The Definitive 'Back to the Future' Documentary is Coming  (For the Mr)

You're (Probably) Eating Way Too Much Sugar  (Stop sneaking it in my foods!)

The world of 'The Empire Strikes Back' is being recreated in London  (For you again Mr)

After People Tried To Body-Shame This Guy Dancing At A Concert Something Amazing Happened  (Some people suck, many people rock)

18 Women Respond To The First Mean Thing Someone Said About Their Bodies  (Pretty kick ass answers)

Robert Downey Jr. gives young fan 3D-printed Iron Man arm  (Makes me love him all the more)

Obese Dachshund Lost 44 Pounds After Giving Up Burgers And Pizza  (Looking good weenie!)

No real plans for the weekend that I know of.  I think it's supposed to be crappy but we'll find something to get into.

What about you?  What's on the to do list this weekend?

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  1. I wish you the best of luck today and I really hope to see some answers soon. And as for the plumber, I sure hope we don't get "plumbed" if you know what I mean.

    1. Thanks. It'll be interesting to see what I'm allergic to if nothing else. We need to clean before the plumber gets here!

  2. There are several of those southern cities that are definitely more romantic when it's not 90 degrees and 100% humidity (no rain).

    1. I bet! But since we seem to have high 90's and 100% humidity in Yankee land, it's unfortunately not much different in the summer. ;-\

  3. I, too, suffered with sinus problems for many years, and still do sometimes. I spent years going to doctors, describing my symptoms, and all they wanted to do was prescribe nasal spray. Used it a couple of times, with no significant results. I also had, along with sinuses, dizziness, ringing in the ears, the feeling that the floor was moving under my feet, rapid heartbeat, and the sense of being in a brain fog. I finally convinced my doctor to send me for allergy testing. The first appointment I was checked for environmental and common household allergies. The result? Slight allergy to mould. Three years later I requested to be tested again. Result? Slight allergy to mould, cow dung and cockroaches! However, this time the allergist said let's try some food allergy testing. The results? I'm allergic to peppers, cinnamon and CHOCOLATE! I've eaten these three things all my life, peppers almost daily, because cinnamon is in so much food I've eaten that almost daily, and chocolate, well I loves me some chocolate! I've removed them from my diet, and though it's taken some time, the difference is unbelievable! Now if I accidentally ingest pepper or cinnamon, I know almost immediately. I'm told it's not an anaphylactic allergy and I should just be careful what I eat. Problem is chocolate and cinnamon especially is in so much packaged food, where you'd least expect it. All those years wasted thinking it was all in my head and not real because doctors made me feel that way. But the worst thing of all? I haven't had a morsel of chocolate since last June. And I miss it, haha. Hopeful you'll find some answers today, and if it is an allergy you'll be able to find a way to treat it. Good luck!

    1. Oh man! I can't imagine being allergic to those things, I love them all. But to not have those symptoms would be worth it. I guess you don't realize how much stuff those things are probably in these days. Doctors can be real jerks and the worst part is when they make you feel like you're crazy. It's like "Hello...*I* live in this body daily, I know something isn't right!!" *rolling eyes*

  4. With Bill home from his ship, my Irishman and I are going nonstop with New Orleans St. Patrick's Day festivities. Tonight we go to the Irish House (you may have seen Chopped winner Matt Murphy who owns the place if you watch that show) to hear the Dublin City Ramblers. Gonna be a blast! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Enjoy the time with your man! I'm sure you'll ring in St Patty's festivities right!

  5. This was a very stressful day (and a long one at 11+ hours) so my nerves are shot. I'm looking so forward to taking the dogs for walks on Sat and Sun. I took them Mon, Tues, and Thurs and we loved it. My hips felt better every time I did it and the shoes I have help my pronation issues tremendously. It was in the 60's today and I didn't get to see a wink of it because I work in the basement. Booooo.

    1. Well today is behind you, take every minute to enjoy this weekend and the time with your pups! So glad your shoes are helping. What brand are they?

    2. I love Asics and it's all I've worn for several years after having serious trouble with other brands. I normally get the running shoes because of the lightness and good arch support. This time I got a specific kind called Asics Gel-Forte that is for moderate to severe over-pronation. And sure enough the padding is designed to keep my feet from rolling inward when I walk. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about them, but after about 3 days I was thrilled with them and that ankle pain wasn't nearly as bad. I would suggest buying a 1/2 size up just for extra comfyness in the toe box.


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