
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Pecan Date Bites

Don't do what I used to do when I read the word "date" in a recipe, which was wrinkle my nose and dismiss it.  Hear me out on this.

One of my favorite things about this time of year are some of the treats that feel seasonal.  It's not that things like canned pumpkin or pecans and corn syrup aren't around all year long but there is something about biting into a piece of pecan or pumpkin pie on a chilly day with autumn leaves dancing around that brings back nostalgia.  If you eat too much of it, you might as well slather it on your thighs or name a brigade of fat cells after them once the holiday season has come and gone.  It's enough to drive a comfort foodie mad.

Luckily I have a recipe that is so easy I didn't even take step by step pictures because 1) you guys are smart and 2) because it barely counts as a recipe.  It does count as a tasty way to recreate the taste of pecan pie for a nano-fraction of the calories.

No, they don't look the prettiest.  Matter of fact, you might even want to close your eyes when you eat them.  Or wait until you take the bite and commence closing then rolling your eyes in the back of your head.

Here's what you'll need:

Pitted Dates
Whole Pecans

A two ingredient snack?  Yes please!

Weirded out by dates because they look like something you'd never in a million years eat?  Trust me, I felt the same way but then I tried them.  They taste like pecan pie filling without eight zillion calories and not quite as sickeningly sweet.

All you do is split a pitted date in half, insert the pecan and BOOM goes the dynamite!

If you put them in the microwave for like 3-5 seconds, it's like warm pecan pie and the dates soften just a little.  It's so heavenly.

Not only do these make a great quick post workout snack but they would be a great alternative to take to Thanksgiving for those trying to watch it or a fun dessert finger food if you want something different in addition to cookies and pies.

Told ya it was easy!

Nutritional info per pecan date:  Calories 36  Total Fat 2g  Poly Fat 1g  Mono Fat 1g  Potassium 50mg  Total Carbs 6g  Fiber 1g  Sugars 5g  Protein .5g  Calcium 1%  Iron 1%

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  1. Dates are awesome. I use them quite a bit for dessert, granola bar, and snack bite recipes.


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