
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ready to be done

Is it the weekend yet?

I'm on the last coat of the second armoire and I did a little test on the backing I'm going to use for it and am happy to report it appears my idea is headed in the right direction.  I can't wait to share it with you guys!  More importantly, it'll mean I'm 3/4 of the way done and I'll be moving on to the dining table which will be the final piece o' the remodel puzzle of what I committed to doing.  I can't tell you how happy I will be to not have to be stuck in that sweatbox of a garage.  The humidity makes it 100x worse.  Gross summer project.

Yesterday, lunch consisted of a tuna fish sammie with arugula on whole wheat butts and my usual fruits and veggies.  When I feel fancy pants, I like to add ground black pepper, garlic powder and rosemary to it and given I only had butts left in that loaf, I wanted to spruce it up on the innards.  500 calories of yum.

It was strength night and I had just read Chalene Johnson's blog about three components that should be part of your exercise program and number three hit a chord.  I was thinking I needed a bit of a change up on the strength, so I grabbed her Turbo Jam set and put in Turbo Sculpt.  I can't believe we've had it for 9 years and never done that.  Or if we previewed it, I'm sure at the time I thought it was way too hard.  OMG, it seriously kicked my butt!  I couldn't even use 15 lbs, I had to cut back to 10's because she was doing high reps.  My arms are like j-e-l-l-o today!  Lots of squats in there too so I'm sure I'll be be hobbling around like Hoggle from Labyrinth.  But for 490 calories burned, I'll take it.

Dinner was lemon pepper orange roughy over quinoa duo and berbere green beans.

490 calories of energy being snarfed by my body after that workout!

Nightmare on Elm Street was on and I figured why not.  After all, it's our introduction to Johnny Depp.   (I'm about to watch him get swallowed up by his bed and shot to the ceiling in a bloody pulp.)   The Mr and I lamented how quickly that franchise got campy.  I was obsessed with the second one because I had a crush on Jesse and Grady.  It wasn't until I watched the documentary Never Sleep Again that I realized just how much innuendo was in it.  I watch it now and kind of cringe but laugh hysterically too.

Any projects you're almost done with?

What's your favorite horror movie franchise?

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  1. I couldn't believe it at first but I knew you were right when you mentioned how we've had our new floors for a month now. Where did a friggin' month go?? But it will be nice for you to be done with all the furniture so that you aren't having to sweat it out every day in that garage and also you can just focus on better things. Can't wait to see how it all goes together once the couch and chair arrive and we get our rug at some point too.

    1. I know, I couldn't either but given that's how long my feet/legs have been really bothering me, I knew it wasn't a coincidence. So I'm anxious to get a rug down in the living area. Yes, I'm ready to focus on better things for sure. I'm anxious for it all to be done!

  2. Can't stand horror movies. Love the phrase "whole wheat butts". HA!

  3. My husband is a horror movie buff. He actually runs a horror movie website and while on our HONEYMOON, made me spend a day visiting Halloween filming locations and Nightmare on Elm St. Needles to say, I've seen many a campy horror film.

    Exhibit A:

    Exhibit B:

    1. Dude, I'm SO bookmarking the Haddonfield post because when I finally get the Mr out to the LA area, we're doing nothing but a week of movie location hunting and that's right up our alley. Sorry it happened on your honeymoon but look at that face, how could you resist the happiness!? LOL

      Oh and we said if we ever bought the Home Alone house, we would decorate it EXACTLY as it was in the movies, put a bench out front, a small shelf stand for people to put their cameras on for timed pics and of course have the lawn jockey in return for not knocking on the door asking for a tour. HA! Very cool people that live at the Halloween house! KUDOS to them!

    2. My husband went online and got all of the filming locations. Luckily, they were actually all quite close to one another, so we just walked around with our GPS's until we found them. Enjoy!!! :)

  4. My favorite horror flicks were the Friday the 13th. Right up until Jason takes Manhattan. The first ten minutes where the girl was trying to hide and breathing like she was doing lamaze made me quit right there.

    1. Couldn't even watch since the Muppets took it first. I couldn't get pass the title. I just saw Jason wrestling with Fozzie Bear and 'wakka wakka wakka' makes even a chain saw lose it's threat.

      Freddy was my fave, especially since he was also in V. I think Dream Warriors was the last one I could watch, though. Once a hair metal band does your song, you have to do some serious thinking about how hard core you are.

    2. Cheezchik- That is hilarious. I don't even remember that part but I think I only saw it once and by that point I might've tuned out and it became "white noise." Wasn't there like a Jason in space or something? Talk about jumping the shark.

      EML- ROFLMAO!!! That is hilarious!!!!! I remember V! I was terrified and then I saw an episode on YouTube and was like "oh wow, bad." I try not to get jaded on old school special effects of the time but Kirstie Alley's throat expanding to accommodate a rat is pretty hilarious viewing now but stuff of my nightmares then.

      Oh if you want an interesting side note on how that hair metal shoot went with Freddy, here's something you won't be able to not think about when you hear Dream Warriors again...

  5. I only like campy horror movies (i.e., Cabin in the Woods, Scream, etc.) that poke fun at all of the cliches in the horror genre. I'm too chicken to watch truly scary movies....I still get nightmares like I did when I was a kid.

    The quinoa you made with the orange roughy looks delicious. Is that a recipe you have already posted (or one you would be willing to share)? I'm doing Tilapia for dinner tonight and was looking for a healthy side to go with it so if you don't mind sharing the recipe (or a link to it if you have already shared it) I'd love to try it out on my hubby tonight!

    1. Scream is one of my all time favorites! I think it was so smart and well done especially for its time. We must've seen that 10x in the theater! We visited the "high school" in Sonoma, CA our first trip out there because we're nerds.

      The quinoa is called Quinoa Duo at Trader Joe's. 5 minutes in the microwave in a covered bowl and BOOM! I have tried to recreate it but failed because quinoa really doesn't suck up flavor the way it should. But if you want to give it a go, I'd suggest cooking regular quinoa in full flavor chicken broth and cut up zucchini and squash for the veggies and roast them or else they'll get mushy cooking with the quinoa. Use fresh herbs or no salt spices like garlic powder, thyme, onion powder, etc.

  6. Your pictures of fish meals always make me wish I liked fish. They look so good, but I won't even let hubby cook fish in the house (he can grill outside all he wants) because the smell alone is too much for me.

    I like horror movies, but most of the ones I like are stand alone movies rather than franchises. I guess if I had to pick... Probably the "...of the Dead" from George Romero, "Tremors" (doesn't get more campy, but I love them all), and I guess "Resident Evil" deserves a mention though I'm not sure it qualifies as a favorite.

    As to projects - eek. I have so much on my plate this summer and the summer is just flying by.

    1. Yeah, some people just can't do the fish thing. Mahi mahi and cod are the ones I weaned the Mr onto fish with since they aren't fishy tasting. Orange roughy doesn't taste fishy either.

      I think I only saw the first Tremors. I haven't seen the 'of the deads' in years.

      Summer IS flying by. I wish I could say I'm sad about it but I love Fall so I'll just try to enjoy it as much as I can. You do the same!

  7. Horror isn't my favorite. But I do love Turbo Jam! Turns my shoulders to jelly. Totally worth it, though.

    1. Turbo Jam is awesome. If you have the chance to try Turbo Fire, I think you'd like it. The music is SOOO good and she has a modifier in case you don't want to jump around like a crazy person.


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