
Monday, July 21, 2014

Furniture on the move and two wheelin'

I am happy to report that I was able to sleep in on Saturday.  I did wake up right on cue at 7am but I forced myself to go back to sleep.  We had nowhere to be and I just wanted to see if given the opportunity my body would take me up on it, it did.

Not one of the best weekends on record and nothing I care to document for posterity.  Just hope the worst is behind me right now.  After dealing with a heinous woman who sold us our area rug, we decided to get some extra padding to go between the pad and rug because there was no cush.  It seems to be better and I think the rug is growing on us.  I also think once we have the couches delivered over the next week or two that it will help pull the look together.  We got the 2nd armoire into the house.  It's not ready to be decorated yet because the wax still has to cure but I've got the doors and knobs back on, plus a little extra somethin' and I'm going to go through the huge box that resides behind the door before I just shove it back in there.  I need to purge.

This week the table goes out in the garage, you know, when the weather is suppose to get humid and disgusting.  It must know I needed to stain.

Active recovery week was good and I'm ready to get back to it.  I tracked, I lowered calories a little to compensate for less intense workouts, ate more fish and tried to get in more water than normal.  Just have to keep it up and improve in my weak spots which oddly enough was PT.  Because our normal routine was thrown off, I didn't do my balance/strengthening exercises and no ankle massages.  Idiot.  The legs are paying the price so again, getting back to business so I don't feel 80 years old.

Actually, our first workout of the week was a different one for us.  Our city has bike rental stations throughout popular parks, very similar to Chicago's bike program.  I surprised the Mr with a rental after poo pooing it at another park on Thursday due to cost.  I picked a park that I was sure was going to be pretty dead because it borders a not so great side of town.  Coincidentally, it was right behind the high rise we worked at when I was 19 and he was 21.  We wondered why the hell we didn't go to this park all the time to eat lunch.  Idiots.  Anyhoo...this is where a good blogger would've remembered to bring a camera but then I remembered this...

It's been forever since either of us have been on a bike.  I'm talking that was the first time we ever rode them together and we've been together 22 years so...  I was quite wobbly at first but as the saying goes, it was just like riding a bike...because it know, riding a bike.  There were two empty parking lots by the park and we just rode in circles to reacquaint ourselves with the idea of being on them.  You only get a certain time limit before they start racking up additional charges so we kept it to the initial time and rode back to the docking station.  The good news is I won't need a hysterectomy.  Pretty sure I'm sterile.  The joys of being obese and tall is adjusting the seat so you can actually peddle and then have your upper half bear down on your pubic bone for an extended period of time.  Yay!   It's not something we can do all the time but it'll be nice for a change of pace and I'm thinking especially in the Fall when the bike path re-opens and the kids are back in school it will make for nicer surroundings for us to explore.  I'm just glad I didn't bite it because we don't have helmets, we rode old school and I suppose if this becomes a habit, we might invest in them.  Not a bad way to burn 740 calories.

For dinner, I rewarded our not slamming into the pavement with this:

Top sirloin with caramelized onion and pineapple chutney and bacon and Havarti cheese baked potato.  Yum!

So, that's about it.

Happy Monday to you all!

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. I cannot wait til the furniture gets here. I know it should really pull it all together and I am excited. Thanks for the nice surprise of going for a bike ride after all these years. I enjoyed that! Great food too as usual!

    1. Me too. We've done all of this other work with the tables/armoires and floors all because of these couches. They'd better be worth it! :-) No problem. It's nice to know that is an occasional option if we feel like it. You're welcome on dinner. Pretty good if I do say so m'self! :-)

  2. I had my kids out for dinner last night. Kept it simple so as not to overeat or be too tempted by the leftovers. I loved riding a bike back in 2011 when I hit goal, and again in the summer of 2012. But last year I tried to get on a new used bike I got (courtesy of my daughter-in-law), and was too afraid of knee pain to make even one cycle around. Very frustrating. I coasted down my driveway thinking I would be able to start pedalling, but was too afraid of the knee pain that I knew would occur to pedal even once around. So had to walk the bike back up the driveway and never tried it again. One of these days when I get my knees operated on, perhaps I will be able to ride my bike again. It did, as I recall, hurt my butt however. My dad would ride 20-30 miles everyday up into his 70's, before his knee surgery even. I guess he was made of tougher stock than me. But even with good knees, I don't think my butt would take such a long bike ride.

    1. Then get those knees operated on NOW! Don't put it off if you have the insurance to cover it. Keep up with your PT afterward because if you don't, you'll have a heck of a time. Who knows, bike riding could be part of your recovery down the line to keep those knees strong? (Not a doctor, just thinking out loud)

  3. I rode my bike all the time as a kid and I don't remember my butt hurting like that. Maybe because I wasn't overweight, or maybe I had callouses on my butt. I rode my dad's bike around the block with my son a few weeks ago and I was ready to get off before we got to the first corner. I have a bike, but it's just sitting in the basement with all the other unused crap. Before I really make an effort with it I need one of those super padded seats for it. Oh, and a helmet too.

    Saturday was the boy's much belated birthday party and Sunday we went to the lake for a swim and a picnic. We picked a spot with no other people only to find out that the bottom was a murky nasty mess with the temperament of quicksand so swimming was out. We had our picnic and came home. The boy and I are off to my folk's in a couple hours so he can have some grandma/grandpa time and I have a class to take tomorrow and Wednesday.

    1. I rode my bike from about 3rd-6th grade all the time. Then in my teens, I got a 10 speed that hurt so bad when I rode it because of how skinny the seat was, I abandoned bike rides altogether. Then obesity set in so... I think they have gel seats now and that seems like it would be nice!

      Sorry the spot picked out wasn't the greatest but I'm sure he still enjoyed the party! I'm sure he'll have fun with grandma and grandpa. Enjoy your class!

  4. I found a seat that looks funky but it works as I used to get pubic bone pain as well. The back of the seat has some gel so is comfortable and the front part has a hole cut out of the middle--sounds weird, but I do not have that pain anymore. So if you ever decide to get bikes, I'll look up the kind of seat for you. I love riding--and if you do invest--get a GOOD bike. I rode for years on some old bottom dollar bike and thought it was great. Hubby invested in Trek bikes for all of us a couple of summers ago and OH MY GOODNESS--the difference was incredible. So much nicer to ride now.

    1. I'm glad you found a seat that works for you. I'm 99% sure buying bikes is not on our agenda and we've got no room for them anyway but I think my booty might be able to handle 30-60 minutes without cursing me. LOL Wow, investment is the right way to describe Trek bikes! Good for you guys!

  5. Congrats on the bike ride! I've been wanting a bike for a long time but to get one that would handle my weight is between $500-$1200 so that goes on the "no" list for now. =o) This was one of the worst weekends for me and it's really sad when I actually wanted to go to work today. I cried and steamed the whole weekend, so I nursed a headache because of it. Certain family members just REALLY make life miserable, especially when they are in cahoots. Trust is out the window. I have to work on not hardening my heart to the point of no return, which is a scary possibility. But I was able to get a bit of perspective today and came home, did my workout and feel better for it.

    1. I'm sorry you had a crappy weekend as well. :-( Family...yeah. Family is the reason I'm not getting the birthday gathering I had envisioned for 10 years because honestly, it's more important for me to have a drama free birthday than to appease everyone else. Totally get it. Glad you feel a little better today.


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