
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Best of Fitness Blender: Upper Body Workouts

Continuing in the series of some of my favorite Fitness workouts, here are some upper body workouts.  All use free weights and they vary in length.

Upper Body Strength and Cardio Workout - Upper Body Superset Workout  (27 minutes.  This one is a great mix of supersets and cardio in between.  Free weights required)

Upper Body Tabata Workout – Intense 60 Minute Back, Shoulders, and Arms Workout  (60 minutes.  This one will have your arms and back feeling like jelly afterward.  Definitely plan on a light or rest day the next day!  Free weights required.  Can be modified down to lower impact with a little imagination.)

Fit is Better than Skinny – Upper Body Strength & Cardio Training Workout  (37 minutes.  A good strength workout with tabata style cardio intervals intermingled.  Modify cardio if necessary.)

Lean Arms Workout – Rhomboids, Shoulders, Bicep, Tricep, and Chest  (20 minutes.  Dumbbells of varying weights required.

Cannonball Shoulders Workout – Deltoid Exercises to get Bigger Shoulders (14 minutes.  I always need to work on this area and it's great to build up the shoulders for outdoor summer sports!)

If these workouts aren't for you, you can peruse Fitness to see what is more your speed.

(I am in no way affiliated with Fitness Blender, I'm just blogging about them because we use their awesome workouts all the time and in their support us section they encourage word of mouth to keep it free.)

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