Monday, May 12, 2014

The time I tried that tea

I try not to be that girl hopping on bandwagons all the time.  I look at most recommendations from televised medical shows as something to be taken with a grain of salt.  I saw a segment about how ginger tea helps with digestion.  I absolutely loathe flavored teas of any kind but I thought despite the fact I love my Good Belly juice, if this along with a pill form probiotic could give me the same results but with less calories and sugar, then I'd give it a go.

I got some Organic Ginger Tea (affiliate link)  at the organic section of a regular big box store...

I brewed some up and of any flavored teas, I've ever had, I hated this the least.  LOL  I could stand it because it was spicy and it had a bit of a tingle going down so I thought "yeah baby, this will totally keep the pipes hummin'!"  At that point I was going six days a week, which was awesome because I was usually going three times a week before doing the Good Belly Challenge.  I noticed the first week, I wasn't going as often and was back to three times per week.  The change?  I was also now constipated.


So I thought maybe it was the probiotic pills because I'd tried them years ago and had the same result.  I boxed them up and sent them back since they had a money back guarantee and went on with drinking my spicy tea in the morning.  I was on to week two with no probiotics at all (no Good Belly) and hoping for the best.  Instead all I got were rump rippin' deuces more hard stools and the conclusion that once again, my body does the opposite of what herbal and homeopathic things do for others.  I stopped at the end of that week and figured I'd keep it on hand if I ever get a case of the cha cha's and will know it's a natural stool hardener for me.

So, uh...yay for all natural stool hardener?

I am sure that you would probably have different results than I did because again, almost anything that works one way for 95% of the population works the opposite for me.  It also is supposed to be great for nausea so if you're on a plane or boat, brew up a bit (under 3 oz if you're flying...rolling eyes) and take it along for a natural remedy.  I can't vouch for morning sickness but since it seems like everyone out there is pregnant, check with your doctor and see if they give you the OK to help with it.

Have you ever tried something suggested on a health show/article only to find it didn't work for you?

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(This post contains an affiliate link.  Should you choose to buy through it, I will get a few cents to go toward blog expenses.)


  1. I don't usually try those things. I'm a skeptic like you, and even though occasionally I do get sucked into the hype, by the time I make it to the store I usually decide against whatever it is I'd talked myself into buying.

  2. Never heard of ginger being touted a stool loosener (?) but yes very effective for upset stomachs and nausea. So the "good for digestion" claim for me always meant that it helps u... get it down. Never heard of it helping you get it...out.

    Kinda like how you go to HR looking for your paycheck but they tell you that "Payroll" is technically handled by another department. Ginger helps with the pre-processing not so much the distribution! HA

    1. That was my thinking as well. It's awesome for reflux. Ginger candies work as well, sometimes better than tea. I've offered it to pregnant friends and they love it. The caveat is it will hear you up and too much can thin your blood. So if you are prone to hot flashes or have bleeding issues, don't use itMedicinally without consulting your doctor.

  3. Never heard of ginger being touted a stool loosener (?) but yes very effective for upset stomachs and nausea. So the "good for digestion" claim for me always meant that it helps u... get it down. Never heard of it helping you get it...out.

    Kinda like how you go to HR looking for your paycheck but they tell you that "Payroll" is technically handled by another department. Ginger helps with the pre-processing not so much the distribution! HA

  4. I use GG brancrisp crackers. 5g of fiber and 12 calories per cracker. I usually have 3 each morning with my coffee, I just dunk them to get them a little soft. I like them because there are no additives that a lot of manufacturers use to bump up the fiber content. Inulin is the most common "fiber additive" and I found out about the side effects of it the hard way with FiberOne bars. Not pretty at all. I just make sure to drink fluids through out the day. Works like a charm!

  5. Cherry juice works for a lot of people to help them sleep but not for me. Same with melatonin--zip. Gummies to help curb your appetite? Nada. I'm weird like that though. I'm the person who can take Norco or Vicadin for pain and it won't help with the pain AND it doesn't even make me tired. That has sucked in the past because pain from accidents was brutal but no reprieve from the pain. On the rare occasion cough medicine will make me a little sleepy, but then I have bad dreams. Probably somewhat off topic, but those are the things that popped into this brain of mine. =o)


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