Monday, May 19, 2014

Best of Fitness Blender: Kettlebells

This is the kettlebell edition of the Best of Fitness Blender.  We added kettlebell workouts in about a year or so ago and it's a great way to get in some alternate strength training.  We don't have actual kettlebells, we use dumbbells which work just fine for us. It's all in what you're comfortable with.  Kettlebell workouts need to be followed to a tee!  Form is very important.  Always start with a low weight the first kettlebell workout or two, even if you lift weights.

Let's get to it!

Beginner Kettlebell Workout – Kells Kettlebells Routine  (33 minutes.  This is the one to do if you're new to kettlebells.  It gets you familiar with the weights and shows some of the basic but core moves in all kettlebell workouts)

Non-Stop Endurance Kettlebell Workout - 33 Minute Total Body Kettlebell Routine  (This is a great one.  I always have trouble with threading from one leg to the other so on that particular move, I'll modify.  Do the same if you need to and go at your own pace)

Kettlebell 'til you Drop – Total Body Kettlebell Workout Video  (40 minutes.  Some of the floor ones are really hard.  Modify if necessary.  Overall a great workout!)

Double Kettlebell Workout - 30 Minute Kettlebell Training Routine  (This workout is HARD.  Use light weights if you're just starting out for sure on this one.

Kettlebell Workout Routine for Strength  (15 minutes.  This is perfect to tack on to another shorter cardio workout for a total body workout)

If you're looking to get started with kettlebells, this is a good place to begin. Kettlebells not for you?  Swing on over to Fitness Blender and find something that is!

(I am in no way affiliated with Fitness Blender, I'm just blogging about them because we use their awesome workouts all the time and in their support us section they encourage word of mouth to keep it free.)
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1 comment:

  1. This is cool! I got a kettleball for Christmas and have yet to take it out of the box... SLACKER! NO excuse now, THANKS! Lol!


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