Thursday, May 15, 2014

Best of Fitness Blender: Namaste

Here's the next installment of the best of Fitness  This one focuses on stretching and yoga.  Even if you don't embrace yoga philosophies, you should definitely incorporate some of these or similar workouts into your life.  Your body will thank you for it!

Lower Body Stretches – A Stretching Routine for Flexibility  (13 minutes.  This has some great hip openers and stretches for the legs)

Upper Body Stretching Routine  (11 minutes.  This is a perfect addition after a kick butt upper body routine so you don't suffer from as much soreness in the following days)

Fluid Stretching – Toning & Flexibility Workout  (13 minutes.  I don't know that I'd seek out a cliff edge, I think your living room will be just fine.  ;)  Some awesome hip and leg stretches)

Feel Good Stretching Workout - Calming Evening or Morning Stretch Routine  (15 minutes.  If you're looking to stretch in the morning or relieve the day's stress before bed, this is a great one!)

Cool Down Workout – Cool Down Stretching Routine  (13 minutes.  A good total body stretch for after a hard workout.)

As you can see, you don't need a ton of time to improve strength and flexibility. You can even do them during commercial breaks if you want!

That's it for this round up.  If you didn't see anything that appealed to you on this post, check out Fitness and see what does.  Why not, it's free!

(I am in no way affiliated with Fitness Blender, I'm just blogging about them because we use their awesome workouts all the time and in their support us section they encourage word of mouth to keep it free.)
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