Friday, May 2, 2014

What I'm reading this's May!

Man, how is it May already?  Not that I'm complaining.  While I love winter and I rolled with the punches during polar vortexes, snowmageddons and whatever other media buzz phrase that was thrown at us, I'm itching to get some flowers in the ground by the end of the month, fire up the grill on a regular basis and hopefully enjoy the breezes on the lanai before the triple digit heat sends me back inside with the A/C on blast.

Now it's time to get to...

35 Dogs That Will Make Your Day Instantly Better  (Too cute!)

How To Build A Painstakingly Perfect Jurassic Park Ford Explorer  (Courtesy of the Mr.  Pretty sweet man, sweet!)

20 Ways to Have the Healthiest Night Ever  (Get on it!)

MIT's Vibrating Supershoes Tell You Where To Walk  (Kind of cool but I'd probably start laughing and strangers would cross the street to get away from me)

5 Easy Yet Effective Things to Try When You Can't Sleep  (Rose Nylund: "I can't count sheep, I'm allergic to them. So then I tried counting members of the Jackson family: Michael, Janet, Latoya, Tito.")

Tweeting Vending Machine Shames Your Snack Habits  (How would you feel if a machine ratted on you when you bought a Snickers?  Would it stop you from buying it?)

20 Things You Might Not Know About Giraffes  (For the Mr.  They're his favorite.)

If You Thought Selfies Were Bad You're Gonna Really Hate Dronies  (Oh good, another way for narcissists to take stupid pics of themselves.  Surely a sign of the impending apocalypse.)

'Frozen'-'Thriller' Mashup Has Disney Characters Dancing to Michael Jackson's Classic  (Don't even act like you didn't do the dance in your chair a little)

Where will calorie labels appear? Not just menus  (Gotta be honest, I'm all for this everywhere.  It's stopped us from making a few bad decisions on the go)

Legend Confirmed: Atari 2600 'E.T.' Game Discovered at New Mexico Dig  (The Mr actually owned this game when it came out.  He said it was the worst game ever.  I bet he wished he hung on to it now!)

Woman Killed In Crash Seconds After Posting About Pharrell’s “Happy” On Facebook  (Really?  WHEN will people learn that social media and driving DO NOT MIX!?!?!?!  I feel horrible she died this way but am thankful she didn't take anyone else out just because she couldn't wait until she got to her destination to update her status about a song.  Sigh.)

10 Surprising Facts about Turbulence  (Still not a fan.  I'll try to process this on the next plane ride)

How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets, Bras, Hair and More!  (Break out the detergent)

Cooking for One: 29 Insanely Easy, Healthy Meals You Can Make In Minutes  (Insane!  Healthy!)

17 Things We Learned From Old Cartoon PSAs  (Word up)

What Do the Ms on M&M's Stand For, and How Do They Get Them on There?   (Isn't this the job of the Oompa Loompas to paint those on there?)

America's best flea markets  (I see some road trips in my future!!)

The Way This Man With Alzheimer’s Transforms When A Dog Is In The Room Will Make You Melt  (Yeah...blubbered like a friggin' idiot)

Get Enough Protein! 7 Nights of High-Protein Vegetarian Dinners  (They're here to pump...(clap) up!  Points if you got the reference without Googling)

Confessions of a Fed-Up Flight Attendant: Attack of the Ambien Zombies  (OH. MY. GOD!  Like we need more idiots to worry about when flying!)

A note for Facebook followers.  In an effort to screw...errr...forceably pimp...errr..."gently encourage" small potatoes bloggers like myself to pay for the privilege of reaching you awesome people via their medium, they have started yanking people like me from your news feed.  Yep.  Even though you clicked "like", the powers that be have decided unless I fork over money I don't yet make to them, that you and I don't deserve to connect via Facebook.

How can we rectify this?  If you already like my Facebook page, make sure you click the "follow" button just under the header on the right side.  That should help BUT you also need to make sure you like and/or comment on posts at least occasionally.  I know...huge pain in the rump but if I ask this of you on Facebook, guess what?...three quarters of you won't see it, they'll mark it as spam and send me into some vortex.  I have an Instagram that I don't really use much and while I have Twitter, I'll be honest, I don't dig it much.  I hope I'm not forced to go to some other platform but for now, this is what you, as a reader and possible Facebook follower, would need to do to ensure you're still getting updates.  I usually update my workouts at night and give the lowdown on dinner.  I don't like to bombard people with posts but maybe I'm doing this whole thing wrong.  I don't know.  So there it is.  Like and follow me on Facebook and click like on some posts and maybe say "boo" a time or two and you should still get my 2-3x daily communiques.

I'm looking forward to the weekend.  I need to relax with my honey.

Anything fun on tap for the weekend?

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  1. Oh, Hans and Franz, you were so much fun.

    They missed my favorite GI Joe PSA. The one about not taking medicine that's not prescribed for you. (yeah, this kid gets a stomach ache and his sister wants to give him some of the parent's prescription medicine but the Doctor GI Joe steps in and stops them.)

    And knowing is half the battle!!

  2. Thanks. I really needed that first one right now. Watching the doggies brought my BP down from the volcanic zone. (dealing with cel phone provider; further explanation unnecessary).

    Hope you and the Mr. have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I had a 1/2 day today and was on the go after that. I got a lot accomplished with running errands. Now I'm on to the bills and laundry as I have to work tomorrow morning. I need to do some Mother's Day shopping (can't believe it's here next week!) and need to find out from mom if she's coming here or we are going there. So more running around this weekend, but the weather is supposed to be nicer so that should make it better to be outside.


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